Bioinformatics Web Services

Papers on Web Services for Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics Web Services -


  1. Stein, L. 2002. Creating a Bioinformatics Nation. Nature 417, pp. 119-120 (9 May 2002).

  2. Davies, K. 2002. Combating Creative Chaos in Bioinformatics. Bio-IT World.

  3. Achard, F., G. Vaysseix and E. Barillot. 2001. XML, Bioinformatics and Data Integration. Bioinformatics Review 17(2), pp. 115-125.

  4. Slidel, T. 1999. Distributed Computing in Life Sciences. BioInformer.

  5. Baker, P., C. Gobal, S. Bechhofer, N. Paton, R. Stevens and A. Brass. 1999. Ontology for Bioinformatics Applications. Bioinformatics 15(6) pp. 510-520.

  6. Stevens, R., I. Horrocks, C. Goble and S. Bechhofer. 2001. Building a Reasonable Bioinformatics Ontology Using OIL IJCAI'01 Workshop on Ontologies and Information Sharing, Seattle, USA, pp. 81-90, August 2001.

  7. Bryson, K., M. Luck, M. Joy and D.T. Jones. 2001. Agent Interaction for Bioinformatics Data Management Applied Artificial Intelligence, Volume: 15, Number: 10, Pages: 917-947, 2001.

  8. Decker, K., X. Zheng and C. Schmidt. 2001. A MultiAgent System for Automated Genomic Annotation Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (2001)

  9. Banerjee, S. 2000. A Database Platform for Bioinformatics Oracle Corporation 500 Oracle Pkwy Redwood Shores, CA USA. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Very Large Databases, Cairo, Egypt, 2000.

  10. Wong, R. and W. Shui. 2001. Utilizing Multiple Bioinformatics Information Sources: An XML Database Approach, IEEE International Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2001.

  11. Leser, U. 1999. Designing a Global Information Resource for Molecular Biology (Short paper), Datenbanken in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW), Freiburg, Germany, pp. 362-369, Springer Verlag.

  12. Editors. 1999. Bioinformatics. Nature Biotechnology 17, pp. 828-830 (1999).

  13. Gilbert, D. 2002. Pise, Software for Building Bioinformatics Webs. Briefings in Bioinformatics, software review submission, (Sept. 2002).

  14. Rocco D. and T. Critchlow. 2002. Discovery and Classification of Bioinformatics Web Services. Technical Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Sept. 2002).

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