Course Materials for CSCI 8060 Spring 2001

New items:

Available information:

  1. A short course description is given in the course syllabus.
  2. Reading materials for this class. The list contains only suggested readings. A collection of mandatory readings will be discussed in class.
  3. Information on student presentations is now available.
  4. Lecture notes are available on in my home directory: /home/profs/kochut/cs8060/lectures. These are PowerPoint slides.
  5. Source code for programming examples is also available on in my home directory: /home/profs/kochut/cs8060/. Look for a suitable subdirectory, e.g. net/simpleC++.
  6. Documentation for ORBacus is available in PDF.
  7. Programming assignments:
  8. Homeworks:
  9. Each student is required to implement one of available term projects. Programming will be done in teams.
  10. A document detailing the selected project design is due March 27.
  11. A collection of online documents useful in developing term projects.