Bonus Break Assignment (Optional)

Assignment Day               Monday (evening): November 25, 2013
Due Date: Tuesday: December 03 (workbook & 3-6 pages summary including plots)
  No late assignment will be accepted.
Format Email to TA see home page for address and cc Instructor
You will also need to hand in a Hardcopy of your Data Sheets


Task: As expected the last Chapter on Global Warming in Super Freakonomics is controversial (Wikipedia discussion here). For this bonus assignment survey the current views on global warming.

Requirements: Include in your essay at least one plot (in excel) of a feature(s) of global warming. Your essay should be at least 2 pages, single spaced of text, 3 pages including plot(s). {a survey of view points is OK}

Starting Point links @







This semester, this course is inspired by Mark Guzdial's Freakonomics course, and other similar courses .