Multiple Choice          Task 1 &  Task 2   Task 3 : Norm.Dist Curve Task 4 Discussion           63 Excel   Excel   Total % Score      
NdimX.html DP Time Time Missed MC Qstns RAW MC Multiple Choice 25% *about) % Curve  RAW (6%) Curve  % T1   Mean T1 StdDev T2        10 min to 5Hrs (labels) T2        Y%/Labeled T2         BINS T2    FREQ()/Data T2       Other     Labels   T3       Line     Plot T3     Mean  Stdev T3     Norm   Dist() Calculate T3   Bell Curve (ABS) T3     Same Plot T3     Overall Labels Presentation   General Und. Not Normal   Task 1 & 2 Task 3 Task 4 Raw Score Raw % Late Penalty    % Late Penalty  Score Part 1 & Part   RAW Score Part 1 & Part   % Score     FINAL SCORE Task 1  Task 2 Task 3  Task 4
    1st 2nd 12.0 12 21       2 2 4 4 4 4 6   2 4 4 4 2 6 0 10 5 0 26   22   15   63 84        
Robin Sparkles   9:51:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 6 0 2 4 4 4 2 5.4 0 10 5 0 25.6 98% 21 97% 15 100% 62 98% 98% 62.0 79 94% - -5% 94 Better to have put StdDev in Time format.   Better to have named Series 1 & Series 2. Good! It is not normal, good observation.
Brerk Samson   10:06:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 1.6 4 4 3.2 4 6 0 2 4 4 4 2 6 0 10 4 0 24.8 95% 22 100% 14 93% 60.8 97% 97% 60.8 78 92% - -4% 92 Better to have put StdDev in Time format. Bins could have been smaller to make the plots look a bit smoother   It is not normal, you are amost saying it, but not quite.
Annie   9:59:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 6 0 2 4 4 4 0 6 0 10 4 0 25.6 98% 20 91% 14 93% 59.6 95% 95% 59.6 76 91% - -4% 91 stdDev not in date format Looks Good! Better if on same plot Good observations, not decisive on conclusion
Disney World   10:05:00   5.0 7 12.3 58% 15.1 72% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 4.8 0 2 4 4 4 2 4.8 0 10 4 0 24.4 94% 21 95% 14 93% 59.2 94% 94% 59.2 74 88% - -6% 88 Stdev should be formatted to time to be consistent with the mean.     Good description, wrong conclusion
Bulldawg   10:31:00 Midnight I(Task 4 Only) 3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 2 4 4 4 4 4.8 0 2 4 4 4 2 4.8 0 8 4 0 24.8 95% 21 95% 12 80% 57.6 91% 87% 54.7 73 87% + 0% 87   Missing labels on X/Y Axis   Description OK, conclusion not correct. Should speculate why there is a skey.
Beyonce   9:54:00   3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 1.6 4 2 4 4 4.5 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.5 0 8 3.75 0 22.1 85% 19 84% 11.75 78% 52.35 83% 83% 52.4 71 84% + 1% 84 Cells off on StDev. Not percentage. Not labeled completely. Not labeled completely.  
Happy Gilmore   9:59:00   3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 4.8 0 2 4 4 4 1.6 4.8 0 7.5 0 0 24.4 94% 20 93% 7.5 50% 52.3 83% 83% 52.3 71 84% + 1% 84 Better to have put StdDev in Time format. Better to have labeled x/y-axis Would have been easier to read plot if on same plot. Label x/y axis Attempt, but conclusion is not correct. 
Kileli   10:01:00   2.0 10 17.5 83% 20.4 97% 2 2 4 4 4 4 4.2 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.5 0 7.5 0 0 24.2 93% 19 84% 7.5 50% 50.2 80% 80% 50.2 71 84% + 4% 84   Not fully labeled/descriptiveness Not fully labeled/descriptiveness Not descriptive enough.
Aldo Raine   10:09:00   3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 2 4 2.4 4 4 4.5 0 2 4 2.8 4 0 4.5 0 7.5 4 0 22.9 88% 17 79% 11.5 77% 51.7 82% 82% 51.7 70 84% + 2% 84   Percentages not calculated (only formatted). X value not configured properly (did not use bins for X)  
The Sweet Magnolia   10:45:00 1:17 3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 2 3.2 3 4 4 4.5 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.8 0 8 4.25 0 22.7 87% 19 85% 12.25 82% 53.75 85% 81% 51.1 70 83% + 2% 83   Bin Range is too large (too long). Not percentage (attempted but not computed correctly) Not aligned with data in Task 2.  
Elton McKnight   9:59:00   6.0 6 10.5 50% 13.4 64% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 6 0 2 4 4 4 1.5 4.2 0 7 0 0 25.6 98% 20 90% 7 47% 52.3 83% 83% 52.3 66 78% - -5% 78 Better to have put StdDev in Time format.   Not Labeled, not on same plot Not a thoughtful description of plot, incorrect conclusion
Rusty Shakleford   10:04:00   6.0 6 10.5 50% 13.4 64% 2 2 4 3.2 4 4 3 0 2 4 4 4 0 3 0 8 3 0 22.2 85% 17 77% 11 73% 50.2 80% 80% 50.2 64 76% - -4% 76 Good Bins starts at over 30 minutes to 4hrs, label better. Bins are not labeled at all. Plot cacluated OK, not labeled properly. Noticed skew.
peanut   10:07:00   5.0 7 12.3 58% 15.1 72% 1.6 1.4 4 2.4 3.2 4 6 0 2 4 3.2 4 0 4.8 0 7.5 0 0 22.6 87% 18 82% 7.5 50% 48.1 76% 76% 48.1 63 75% - -1% 75 Did not include all rows. For median and Std.DEV, StdDev shold be formatted to time Bin labels off. Not percentage, smaller bins would have been better. Straight line is off, idea is correct, but beginning of curve is not correct. Some thought, conclusion not correct
Batman   11:07:00   1.0 11 19.3 92% 22.1 105% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 4.8 0 2 4 2 2 0 4.2 0 6 3.5 0 24.4 94% 14 65% 9.5 63% 48.1 76% 65% 40.9 63 75% + 10% 75 Stdev should be formatted to time to be consistent with the mean. Percentage OK  but, not sufficently labeled. does not depict knowledge how the NORM function works, e.g., the use of X parameter  is not used corretly. Labels not descriptive. Idealized graph does not show much since it is plotted incorrectly. Still shows some scientific vigor.
Miss New Booty   10:09:00   6.0 6 10.5 50% 13.4 64% 2 2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 4.8 0 2 4 3 3 0 3.6 0 8 3.5 0 22.4 86% 16 71% 11.5 77% 49.5 79% 79% 49.5 63 75% - -4% 75 Good Array formula not applied correctly. Percentage not calculated correctly. Range of BINS not as specified X value is not Bins value Wrong comparison, it is not between younger and older mean, it is between an ideal distribution and real data. Did observe the skewness.
Mysterious Dr.X   11:11:00   3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 1.6 1.6 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 4.8 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.5 0 8 3.75 0 21.6 83% 19 84% 11.75 78% 51.85 82% 70% 44.1 63 75% + 5% 75 Did not use whole data set missing the last 10 or so. Bin range not as specified, percentage not correctly computed (e.g., there are less samples than 28,143). Not calibrated/normalized to Task 2 (probably partly due to the   percentage was incorrectly computed).  
Vyeshnost   21:00:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 2 3.2 4 4 4 6 0 2 4 4 4 2 6 0 8 5 0 25.2 97% 22 100% 13 87% 60.2 96% 72% 45.2 62 74% + 2% 74   Bin range not as specified   Note that a uniform distribution is not the same thing as a normal distribution.
Barbra Walters   9:59:00   6.0 6 10.5 50% 13.4 64% 2 1.6 2.8 3.2 4 4 4.5 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.5 0 7 0 0 22.1 85% 19 84% 7 47% 47.6 76% 76% 47.6 61 73% - -3% 73 stdDev not  calculting whole sample (offset by a cell). Sample size is calculated erroneously. Axes are not labeled.  Bin Size is a it small but OK. Not to 5 hrs. Not labeled, should be based on percentage, not frequency. Answer not descriptive.
Eva Unit 02   9:38:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 2 2.8 1.6 2 0 3 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.5 0 8 4 0 13.4 52% 19 84% 12 80% 43.9 70% 70% 43.9 61 72% + 3% 72   Did not use frequency, or sample date for binning. (you did Task 3 for this one too, instead of using sample data).   For the plots you have the description is OK.
DARCY 8808   10:10:00   3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 2 3.2 4 4 4 4.2 0 2 4 3.2 2.8 0 4.2 0 0 0 0 23.4 90% 16 74% 0 0% 39.6 63% 63% 39.6 58 69% + 6% 69   Bin range not as specified, No labels displayed CDF instead of PDF. Not attempted
Tyaralrin   10:01:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 1.6 2.8 3.2 2.8 2.8 6 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.8 0 0 0 0 21.2 82% 19 85% 0 0% 40 63% 63% 40.0 57 68% + 4% 68 Stdev should be formatted to time to be consistent with the mean. Bins are not the right range. Frequency not computed correctly (array formula would have been better). Did not compute percentage. Not converted to percentage so it corresponds to Task 2. Not labeled. Not attempted
Ms.SnakeyK   10:23:00   6.0 6 10.5 50% 13.4 64% 2 1.6 4 4 4 4 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 8 4 0 25.6 98% 8 36% 12 80% 45.6 72% 69% 43.3 57 67% - -1% 67 stdDev not in date format good. Not correct, did not use the NORM formula as specfied to get an ideal distribution. not right comparison, still show some understanding.
Chicken Little   10:48:00   4.5 7.5 13.1 63% 16.0 76% 1.6 1.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2 4.8 0 2 4 2 4 0 4.2 0 7 0 0 17.2 66% 16 74% 7 47% 40.4 64% 61% 38.4 54 65% + 4% 65 Wrong column, used the age column instead of time. Otherwise computed correctly. Frequency not computed correctly, missing cells in column. Bin size not proper range. Percentage not computed correctly??? Not using correct mean or stdev in formula (but in one column correct mean/stdev but not correct bins - doesn't correspond to task 2. Doesn't diplay skill set requred for question. Desription does not correspond to plots drawn. However description describes a normal distribution.
Golden Sunshine   10:33:00   3.0 9 15.8 75% 18.6 89% 2 1.6 3 3 3 2 4.8 0 2 4 3.2 2.8 0 3.6 0 0 0 0 19.4 75% 16 71% 0 0% 35 56% 53% 33.3 52 62% + 9% 62 Stdev should be formatted to time to be consistent with the mean. Bin size should be smaller to see the shape better.  Range of Bins not as specified. Hard to understand catetorgical labels (x-axis) better to have use time as a label. Did not use FREQUENCY() function as specified by question. Did not convert to percentage. X-values doesn't correspond at all to the X-values in Task 2. Y-axis doesn't' correspond to the values in data set. No descriptive labels. Not attempted
Jesse Pinkman   10:01:00 4:48 7.5 4.5 7.9 38% 10.7 51% 2 2 4 2 3.2 0 4.8 0 2 4 0 0 2 3 0 6 3 0 18 69% 11 50% 9 60% 38 60% 60% 38.0 49 58% - -2% 58   No calcuations in worksheet No calcuations in worksheet Shows some understanding.
Claire   12:42:00   5.0 7 12.3 58% 15.1 72% 2 2 0 2.8 4 4 3.6 0 2 4 4 4 0 4.5 0 7 0 0 18.4 71% 19 84% 7 47% 43.9 70% 52% 32.9 48 57% + 5% 57   Percentage not formatted appropriately. Also "frequency" and "percentage" should not be on same plot. Y-axis/X-axis not labeled correctly. X-axis should have been column K (not the Y-axis) Labels not correct, should be based on percentage. Not observant/Answer is not correct.
Georgia Moto   10:11:00   5.0 7 12.3 58% 15.1 72% 1.6 1.5 3 3 3 4 4.2 0 2 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.3 78% 12 55% 0 0% 32.3 51% 51% 32.3 47 56% + 5% 56 Not all data incuded, top and bottom, stdDev not properly fomratted Bins too sparse/Percentage calcultion attempted but did it on bin range instead of frequency. Bin range starts at 10 minute but doesn't go to 5 hrs. Calculation on right track, not sure what X is? Not attempted.
Jamie   10:06:00   2.0 10 17.5 83% 20.4 97% 2 1.6 3 0 2.8 4 3 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.4 63% 10 45% 0 0% 26.4 42% 42% 26.4 47 56% + 14% 56 Better to have put StdDev in Time format. Bins starts at 30 min, Bins are too sparse, not percentage, labels not thoguht out. ON the right track, think about range when plotting. Not attempted
Tootsie   10:11:00   5.0 7 12.3 58% 15.1 72% 1.6 2 4 0 4 4 3 0 2 4 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 18.6 72% 13 59% 0 0% 31.6 50% 50% 31.6 47 56% + 5% 56 Used Decimal, formatted result to time for median Bins should be labeled according to time for readabilility, not percentage on y-axis, no descriptive labels. Calcuation is there.. But not complete,  plotted data from Task 2. Not attempted.
MinionNinja   11:14:00   7.0 5 8.8 42% 11.6 55% 1.6 1.4 3.2 2 4 2 3 0 2 4 3.2 4 1.6 3 0 6 0 0 17.2 66% 18 81% 6 40% 41 65% 55% 34.9 46 55% - 0% 55 Did not include all rows. For median and Std.DEV, StdDev shold be formatted to time Did not include all bins in calculation. Percentage in wrong format. Percentage is not calculated correctly. Not labeled properly. Not labeled correctly, some errors in calculation Not a thoughtful description of plot, incorrect conclusion
Asparagus   11:23:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 2 4 0 4 2.4 0 0 1 4 2.4 2.4 0 2.4 0 0 0 0 14.4 55% 12 55% 0 0% 26.6 42% 36% 22.6 39 47% + 11% 47 Complete Good bin size & Labels, No titles, percentage  attempted but not plotted, Did not consider whole data set (looks like half FREQ()). Sloppy. See calculations, bin size - time  but mean/stdev is decimal, plot not correct, no labels, plot is not correct.  
Eustyru   11:11:00   5.0 7 12.3 58% 15.1 72% 2 2 4 2.8 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.8 84% 0 0% 0 0% 21.8 35% 29% 18.5 34 40% + 11% 40 Great! Percentage not calculated correctly. Not labeled properly, Bin size are good. Not attempted Not attempted
Boots and cats   10:12:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 2 1.6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.6 22% 0 0% 0 0% 5.6 9% 9% 5.6 22 27% + 18% 27 Stdev should be formatted to time to be consistent with the mean. No plots, no calcuations (frequency attempted not complete) No plots, no calcuations  
Sauce Boss   10:10:00   4.0 8 14.0 67% 16.9 80% 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8% 0 0% 0 0% 2 3% 3% 2.0 19 22% + 19% 22 Mean/Stdev vased on only one cell (each). Not attempted (did you save your sheet before emailing?). Not attempted Not attempted