NAME="Ingrid E. Maria Hybinette" SHELL=ksh # shell identity ENV='"${HOME}/.kshrc"' # startup file for each shell USER="${USER:-$(whoami)}" # user identity LOGNAME="${LOGNAME:-${USER}}" HOSTNAME="$(hostname)" # machine identity HOSTNAME="${HOSTNAME%%.*}" # without domain name PS1='{${HOSTNAME}:${USER}:!} ' # command prompt {} PS1=" [\#] MariaIsAwesome \W --> " # remove this line if agree PS1="\e[0;35m $PS1 \e[m " # add some color : google: ps1 bash for # more hints on editing PS1 # add ".' after the last : to make sure the shell checks # the current working directory when searching for executable files PATH=${PATH}:~maria/bin:~maria/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:. . ${HOME}/.kshrc . ${HOME}/.env