Program 1: multiple.c --------------------- Write a program that reads in two integers and determines and prints if the first is a multiple of the other or not. HINT: use the modulus operator. For example an even number is multiple of 2. In this case any multiple of two leaves a remainder of zero when divided by 2. The output should include the values of the numbers that your program read from standard input. How to Submit your First Program -------------------------------- You must submit the following files (i.e., all the files necessary to compile your program): README.txt multiple.c Makefile README.txt is a file that tells us how to run and compile your program. Makefile is a file that enables us to compile your program, this file has a specific format. I will provide an example makefile accessible from the web site. multiple.c is a file containing your program. To submit the files, you will need to use the submit program. Your files need to be under a common subdirectory called "1730_program1". If the 1730_program1 subdirectory is directly under your home directory you execute the below command line while in your home directory: submit 1730_program1 cs1730 NOTE 1: you need to be LOGGED ONTO nike.cs.uga when you execute the command NOTE 2: look at the example Makefile and program available from the scheduler page. NOTE 3: be aware of white space in your makefiles ---- <<<< Revise Steps 1-4 to use a zip file listed on the schedule page >>> <<<< intstead of copying from the instructors nike directory >>> ----- copy the files directly from my homedirectory and then try to compile the program: 1. go to a directory under you home directory on nike. 2. create a working directory somewhere under your home directory (you may use any name, in the below example I used the name "ctest"). mkdir ctest 3. go to your new directory: cd ctest << here unzip the zip file, instead of copying>> 4. copy the files directly from my web directory i.e.: cp /web/maria/public_html/classes/1730-Spring-2014/program1/* . ----- 5. compile program on the command line: gcc multiple.c -o multiple 6. use the makefile from my web directory that you copied to make sure you can run "make" correctly: make clean 5. compile using the makefile make