
An introductory course on the scientific, technical, perceptual, and aesthetic principles of pictures. Emphasis is on the techniques of image formation, analysis, merging, modification and their use for depiction of reality on a 2D medium of photographs.

Topics include image blending, optics & lens systems, filtering and smoothing images, edge detection, feature detection, transformations and warping of images, creating panoramas, high-dynamic range images, image morphing, and other techniques enabling the appreciation for the unique combination of computing and the photographic media.

There are programming assignments in this class, and a basic working knowledge of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, and Programming in Python (e.g. CS 1301 / CS 1315) will be required. You will complete creative computational photography projects with a local theme during the semester.

*** A laptop is required for this class. ***

General Information

Lectures: Mo/WE   12:00 pm -01:45 PM Molecular Sciences & Engr 1224
Instructor: Maria Hybinette maria . hybinette AT
Office hours: TBD  
TA Office hours:  

Ashish Gupta
FR 11AM-1PM CoC Lobby

ashish.gupta AT gatech . EDU

Deepak Ravindran
deepak.ravindran AT gatech . EDU

Communication Links

Piazza & T2 &
Schedule Web Page

{ piazza and T2 will be set up shortly }

Course Textbook and Materials:

Szeliski (2010), Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications

There will also be readings from technical literature (conference papers, and journal articles), links to these will be provided from the schedule page.

Grading Policy and Evaluation:

Participation (piazza and in class) 10%
Quizzes (2-3) 10%
Projects (3) 30%
Homework (6-8) 35%
In Class Activities (you may drop 2 of these). 15%





Letter Grade Breakdown and Grade Philosophy:

    1. 90 <= A
    2. 80 <= B < 90
    3. 70 <= C < 80
    4. 60 <= D < 70
    5. F < 60

    Any work that meets all the requirements will be given a 90%. For scores above 90%, work has to above and beyond meeting the basic requirements of the assigned work.

Class Policies

Late Work: You may submit late homework assignments by the the next day for a 10% late penalty deduction. Homeworks are not accepted after the next day without prior arrangements.

Individual Work: While you are are encouraged to ask questions of one another, and to respond to other student's questions on Piazza. Direct exchange of code is prohibited, as is line-by-line assistance from anyone (including past students taking this class), or thing (this includes internet copying). This is checked for every assignments. If you do get help from other sources than book, slides, or TA you must acknowledge the source in the material that you turn in -but please note still no copying is allowed.

Unless otherwise specified, exams are closed-book and no additional materials may be used. Missing an exam or quiz: absence due to serious illness will be an acceptable reason for missing an exam. Doctor's diagnostic note is required (these absences may be confirmed with your doctor). It is also assuned

Honor Code:  Georgia Tech standards of academic integrity is assumed at all times (

Websites and Communication Links

Schedule Page (see link on top)  
Piazza Setting up
T Square (


Irfan Essa is the course designer for this course, and we will utilize the materials he has provided for this course.