Assignment Day           Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Due Date Wednesday May 25 11:50 AM (changed from Monday May 23 since the delay of setting up t-square).

Assignment 1: An Introduction - warm up 100 pts

T-square is still being set up more details on the actual submission will be provided at the latest by Friday, but you can still start working on these images. You will create a total of 5 images.

    1. On T-Square Submit one in JPG and a pdf file (displaying the other 4 images).
          • Image 1: A picture of your self: It should be about (500x800 pixels is a good image size) 
            The name of the image should be as follows.
            Lastname,FirstName.JPG (comma ',' between firstname and lastname, and please use capital letter for the first letter of Lastname, and first letter of FirstName, all other letters should be in lower case). The suffix should be JPG, where all letters are upper case.
            Example Name: Hybinette,Maria.JPG
                 If you prefer that your image and name are not displayed on the web site, add a prefix denoting a public web name (e.g., "HappyPixel", this name is different from your secret name to display grade - as dicussed in class) enclosed it in double Xs (and hyphens) on each side, as follows: XX-HappyPixels-XX-Hybinette,Maria.JPG.
            (we use scripts to parse your name and generate the web page, so it is is important that you follow the naming convention outlined).
      • A pdf file: called hw1.pdf where you describe each of 4 images. Use the below specifications:
            • The First 3 images should leverage 'bad artifacts' or practictices, such as bad blurring, bad exposure, motion blur, camera shake, BUT they need to look good. Try to include different effects, not 3 images having the same 3 bad effect. The last image should just be an image where you feel you showcase your photography skills well.

              : All images need to be captured today and before the due date.

              Example: Camera Shake looking good ( here )
              Example: Motion Blur looking good ( here )
              Example: 'Bad' Explore looking good ( here ) [bad looking histogram]

              In the pdf file use the following format/template:

              Last Name, First, Name
              Assignment 1.

              For each photo:
              Photo 1 Display

              Caption: Fig 1:

              Photo 1 Description: Location, Date, Time and some details of you shoot.
              What did you try to do, do you think you succeeded, what could have you done better. How many pictures did you take before you got the picture you are displaying here. Did you use any post processing techniques (e.g., adjusted the white balance).

    2. Take the below survey monkey ( .

What to turn in (given in the form of an example):

On t-square, submit as attachment only (no zip files please):
1. Hybinette,Maria.JPG
2. HW1.pdf (see details above)

Unlimited resubmissions are allowed up to the deadline for the assignment.

Outside t-square:
1. Survey Monkey survey.

Grade Criteria:

Grade 100 points total:

10 points for emailing image , correct image format (JPG format),
        and naming of file (including adding XXX for if an image restriction indication).
80 pts (20 points for each of 4 images in pdf file). So a total of 80 pts, and their description.
10 points for survey monkey survey