Class Activity : A1: OpenCV Setup and Practice Out: 1A May 18 Due: May 25, 11:50 AM (extended due to t-square access delay) 1) installing openCV 2) doing the below exercises Grading: You can still get a 100 ==== Exercises: 1) paint a square (or rectangle) around the face of mona lisa (check the rectangle attribute of cv2) (better to only draw the rectangle's or square's borders and leave the inside transparent) 2) blur only the inside of the square or rectangle (challenge) 3) a) rotate the full image 3) b) rotate only the inside of a square e.g., upside down, the rest of the image stays fixed 4) a) shrink or grow the image, i.e., scale it to half its size b) only affect the 'growing' or 'shrinking' region to the the selected square, other areas remains the same size see example of shrinking (only the selected region) from the schedule page ==== Grading criteria There were several skill levels in the class, and to accommodate we have made the grading criteria more lenient, and made it so everyone who completes all exercises before class Monday can still get a 100. The people who did complete it in class will get 1% bonus percentage for each of the exercises they finished in class: 1 2 3a 3b 4a 4b so you have a possibility to get a 106% on this first activity. [note there will be several activities in class, you will be able to drop 1 or 2 depending how many activities we complete, if we complete 7 or more you can drop 2, otherwise you can drop 1] Grade points are distributed as follows (notice that there are more points for fundamental or basic skills for this firtst activity). Setup (30 pts), 1 (20 pts), 2 (10 pts), 3a (10 pts), 3b (5 pts), 4a 20 pts, 4b (5 pts) IF you finished it during class we will add 1 pt bonus for each task that you completed. ==== Submission THREE files:, activity1B.png, and activity1C.txt 1) is one file, named, containing all your code that can the images defined by the exercises that you completed 2) activity1B.png, a screen shot in PNG, that displays all images you generated on screen. 3) actitivty1C.txt, a text file describing the tasks completed in terms of percentage completed, and time of completion in the following format: --- Last Name, First Name task 100% completed and time completed (and optionally a comment) --- Example (1 line per task) Hybinette, Maria SetUP 100 in class 1 100 May 19 11 pm 2 100 May 20 1 pm 3a 100 May 18 3b 50 May 18 Worked on for 20 minutes but could not get to work 4a 100 May 18 4b 50 in class ==== What to turn in (given in the form of an example) Please use the exact names including case, i.e., uppper and lower case. On t-square, submit as attachment only (no zip files please). 1. (use this exact name, see details above). 2. activity1B.png (use this exact name , see details above). 3. activity1C.txt (use this exact name, see details above). Unlimited resubmissions are allowed up to the deadline for the assignment.