HW 3: This is a compantion HW to Project 2 - Hacking at home

Due 2/25 Thursday before class.

Task 1 Try this plugin for Box2D for impactJS that restores some of the functions and variables used for ImpactJS collisions (both links refer to the same plugin, the last link is a direct link to github)
(1) http://impactjs.com/forums/code/box2d-made-easy-plugin
(2) https://github.com/Joncom/impact-box2d-sugar

Write a report describing what you did and if you got Box2d To work with this plugin. (spend at most 1-2 hours on this)

SUBMIT: task1.pdf
Task 2: Task 2

a)please submit your personal sprite sheet as a PNG, and a
b) a single frame of your self portrait scaled UP (e.g., while in your pixel editor enlarge it and take a snapshot of it).


name convention single self portrait:
Lastname,Firstname-sprite.PNG example:

Hybinette,Maria-sprite.PNG (please use the same capitilization rules).

SUBMIT: task2-spritesheet.PNG and LastName,FirstName-sprite:PNG
Task 3: Submit your design document in pdf for project 2 - i.e., 2-4 pages descrbing your game design, goal, sketch the goal for each level and the story line of your game. (you may take snapshot of hand drawn sketches for this task and embed them in your report). Neatness / presentation is a factor for this task.

SUBMIT: task3-design.pdf (2-4 pages)



submit HW3 csx070

Use capital letters for H and W.

and email: maria.hybinette@mac.com

Please submit your work on nike.cs.uga.edu.








