HW 5: Tie the Loose Ends - Physics with Sugared Box2D

Due 3/29 Tuesday before class.

After adding the vine in weltmeister from the entity folder, see above. Image and entity already written at it should load after setup (step 0 below).


Download packaged software discussed in class from the class site, it is a standalone version with Sugared Box2D already installed. [can't reference it here public ally since it is not baked].

Edit main.js and make sure that it includes the proper Box2D plug-in by editing the body of .requires(), i.e., in

.requires(), add the string : "joncom" as follows:

'plugins.joncom.box2d.entity', //# XXXX

Now load the game and play with player and crate, look at entity player, and look at entity crate and read the code. In the code of player(), that it uses Force vectors to effect the movement of the player, instead of directly manipulating physics by velocity, and accelerating variables that we did before.

Look at the references and resources:




Rope forum discussion:




0 pts
1 a) [vine basics]: Add the 'entity' vine in weltmeister. Then modify the code, so that when instantiated that the vine hangs straight.
2 pts
1 b) [vine minimize joints]: Modify the entity vine further and remove joints so that a vine only consists of 3 joints.
4 pts
1 c) [vine challenge]: Create a second, and third vine, both straight when instantiated. Enable the vines (and player), so that the player can swing from the 2nd vine to the 3rd vine.
6 pts
2 a) [zombie basics]: Add a zombie moving around in the dormitory. This zombie does not need to interact with the player.
4 pts.
2 b) [zombie challenge]: Add a zombine that interacts with the player. 4 pts, and +3 bonus if you add some cool physics related to the interaction.
4pts (+3)

[Rope Challenge]: Extend on the vine module, and make it look like a rope in stead of a vine. To see what a rope may look like check here:

5 pts



Submit all code to nike and it must include all code, i.e., box2d and the ImpactJS engines

Please submit your work on nike.cs.uga.

submit HW5-Box2D csx070

Use capital letters for H and W.

and email: maria.hybinette@mac.com to say you completed the HW.









