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List of "possible" topics and presenters

Here are the list of papers that we covered over the course of the semester. Please pick from different 'themes' or time period. Some topics (those with no presenter yet) are filled in an advance as a suggestion.

You write a summary each week -and you can choose from any of the three topics that are presented on that day. You should also submit a summary on the day that you present, and you may do a summary on the same topic that you present on.


Presentation Topic
Historical Perspective & Design
1 Nakeem

Trusting Trust- Security Issues( html )


Paradigm of Programming Languages ( pdf )


Seven Deadly Sins of Introductory Programming Language Design( pdf )

    02/01 Imperative Programming & Object Orientation


4 Nick B.  
Object Oriented Thinking ( html )
5 Kyle  
Growing a Language ( pdf ) also a video by Steel ( google to find it -- update found it: <here> ).
    02/08 Functional Programming: Reflecting
6 Chris  

Why Functional Programming Matter ( pdf )

7 Nick M.  

Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big ( html )
* Worse is Better ( wikipedia )
* OK to write about "Worse is Better" philosophy and its impact.

8 Walt  

Backus: Liberation from the von Neuman Style ( pdf )

    02/15 Functional Programming: Moving Forward
9 Nick S.  

ALGOL ( wikipedia )

10 Ben  

Cathedral & Bazaar ?

11 Will  

Functional Programming approached to XML processing ( html )

    02/22 Functional Programming: Features
12 Kevin  

Closures ( wikipedia )

13 Manuel  

Improving the world's most popular functional language: user-defined functions in Excel ( html )

14 Lee  

Erlang & Facebook Chat ( slides, wikipedia )

    03/07 Functional Programming in Practice, new Trends & Languages
15 Matt   Caml trading – experiences with functional programming on Wall Street ( pdf )
16 Lauren   Scala & Twitter & Future ( wikipedia , html, html , html, html )
17 Jesse   Why is Laziness Important? ( start here ) [Grad student?/Potential Graduate Student]
    03/22 Mainstream functional programming
  Ranier   Clojure
  Jay   Groovy
    03/28 Phase 2
1,2 Ben, Kyle   Obfuscated Coding
3,4 Assing Rests   A Polytime Combinatorial Approximate Quantum Algorithm in Clojure
      Jay and Andrew please sign up for a TBD slot below.
    4/11 Wednesday
5,6 Matt, Anthony  

Python GIS

7,8 Kevin, Lee   Ruby on Rails

Worth Checking out:

      OCaML, Lua (Jordan, individual), Rebol, J, Logo, F#, R, Squeak (smalltalk), Assembly, Factor, Processing, SQL
    4/12 Thursday: Two Letter Languages
9,10 Walt, Nick S.   Go
  Nick, Shane   Io
    4/18 Wednesday
11,12 Jordan, Nakeem  

Java Script

13,14 Chris, Jay   Haskell
    04/19 Thursday:
15,16 Lauren, Nick M.   Squeak
  Jordan   Lua
    04/25 Wednesday: Image Processing
17,18 James,
