Homework 1 ---------- 1. Subscribe and send a message to the mailing list (this may include subscribing to the list): (not set up yet - hope it will be set up Thursday) TBDlistserv.cs.uga.edu introducing yourself. please watch this schedule when announced. 2. Email a digital picture of yourself (Send it via an email attachment (jpg) to maria@cs.uga.edu). * For people that don't have a digital camera: I will use the image that we took Monday, please describe yourself and tell me what you were wearing so that I know who you are. 3. Does a simple calculator require an operating system? If yes (argue why)? If no (argue why)? For this question you may use outside resources (Internet, books, friends, ...) Be sure to cite your references. 4. What are virtual machines? Explain the relationship between the Java programming language and the virtual machine concept. 5. In terms of CPU utilization which operating system is more efficient -- a real-time OS or a time-sharing OS? Justify your answer. 6. Differentiate between controlled I/O, interrupt-driven I/O, DMA, and memory mapped I/O. Providing key advantages and disadvantages of each I/O type. 7. Differentiate between a device driver and a device controller. Due: Before Class August 26, 2009 (typed)