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Assignment 6: Synchronization, Real Time Scheduling and Security.

Assignment Day October 05, 2009 (Monday)
Due Date October 13, 2009 (Tuesday)
  Email (time stamp) and typed hardcopy on Wednesday in Anirban's mailbox.


Read chapter on synchronization (chapter 6 - in Silberschatz, Galving and Gagne's 8th Edition of OS Concepts) and real time scheduling.


Question 1 : Real Time Scheduling

A system consists of 3 independent, preemptable periodic tasks: (4,1), (6,2), (11,4). (Recall T = (p,e), where p is the period and e is the worst case execution time).

a) Construct an EDF schedule for this system in the interval [0,33]. Explain your strategy for breaking ties -- i.e., if 2 jobs have the same deadline, then you can execute either one. Which one do you choose and why?

b) Construct an RM schedule for this system in the interval [0,33].

c) There are some problems with assuming that the tasks are independent and preemptable. Explain two reasons why we might have to abandon these assumptions.

For both (a) and (b), label any missed deadlines. Assume each job executes for its entire execution time even if it misses its deadline.


Question 2 :


Question 3 :


Question 4 :


Question 5 :


Optional practice (not graded).