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Project 7: Thread Based Soccer Server (worth 35 bonus points)

Assignment Day November 30, 2009 (Monday - midnight)
Due Date December 08, 2009 (Tuesday 5 PM, but no penalty until the start of December 09). You will need to set up a demo time for the project see schedule page on available days).

Collaboration Policy - Read Carefully

Collaboration Policy - Read Carefully

You must work on this project individually, but you may discuss this assignment with other students in the class and ask and provide help in useful ways, preferable over our email list so we can all benefit from your great ideas. You may consult any outside resources you including books, papers, web sites and people (but no penguins or sea urchins).

If you use resources other than the class materials, indicate what you used along with your answer.


Your job is to create a thread based soccer simulator (using p-threads) where competitor can create their own soccer teams and use your simulator to compete. If you are curious what such a simulator would look like take look at ASCII soccer which is a simple simulator implemented in C. Your implementation should provide the same functionality as ASCII soccer, but each soccer player needs to be implemented as a separate p-thread.

This is an old project from a previous years - that some enjoyed working on - a bit of warning - your server may initially a bit slow, so you should try strategies to make it work as efficiently as possible.



Other Information:



  • All soccer simulator source files in C that compiles and runs on atlas.
  • Makefile
  • README.txt -- how to compile your program.
  • REPORT.txt (you may change the extension .txt if not plain text e.g. .doc, .pdf) should include minimally:
    • A description of your simulator (about 1 page)
    • A description of your teams and
    • Screenshots of your simulator.
    • User documentation, i.e. instructions for a new user on how to use your simulator
    • Submit projec in a folder called project-soccer-bonus.