Homework 1 : Due Thursday August 26th. ---------- 1. Subscribe (if not already) and send a message to the mailing list (this may include subscribing to the list): the list serv group is called CS-OS 2. Email a digital picture of yourself (Send it via an email attachment (JPG) to maria@cs.uga.edu). * You may submit a 'representative' photo of yourself if you don't like any of your portraits in your collection. 3. Does a simple calculator require an operating system? If yes (argue why)? If no (argue why)? For this question you may use outside resources (Internet, books, friends, ...) Be sure to cite your references. 4. What are virtual machines? Explain the relationship between the Java programming language and the virtual machine concept. List at least 2 virtual machines that you are familiar with (if you don't know please free to use the web for ideas, make sure to cite your resources). 5. Write a simple C-program calculating the mean, mode and median from numbers read from standard input. * submit on atlas via submit command: submit project1 csx730 * You may assume that numbers are entered one at a time, on a single line (i.e., there is at least one 'new line' between 2 consequitive numbers). * the number stream is terminated by a '0' (a sentinel) listed on a single line of input that is terminated by a newline. * numbers are integers, negative or positive (32 bit) * HINT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limits.h (MAX_INT) * compare the performance of program with the instructor's (her binary will be provided shortly with a file of numbers). ---> if your's run faster you will receive 1 extra grace day and +5% added to a homework assignment * report the running time of your program with a specific file (I will provide the file Monday afternoon). using the UNIX time command Example file: 4 5 -100 -22 -100 0 Due: Before Class Thursday August 26, 2010 (typed)