Homework 2 Booting / System Calls ---------- Assigned: September 07, 2011 Due: September 13, 2011 (typed, handwritten assignments will not be accepted). You will need to turn in both a typed hardcopy and softcopy of the assignment. You may use the Internet and or your textbook to answer these questions (be sure to include citations/URLs of your resources). Some useful web pages as a starting point: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting http://www.goodells.net/multiboot/ 1. Outline the boot sequence with simple and brief bullet points - each step should be one or two brief sentence[s]. [optional] - include a diagram. 2. What is a typical size of the Master Boot Record - why this constraint? 3. Contrast the mechanics of a system call in Linux and a Microsoft Windows OS (you can pick any Windows System XP and newer). Highlight differences and similarities. You may discuss references/resources on the class list. 4. What is the latest version of Linux? How does it differ from the previous version? 5. What is the latest version of Mac? Is it a micro or a monolithic kernel?