Codename Report Execution Grade Demo Comment Submissiobn Date
AA MAX 20 80 100      
asteroid 20 80 100     16 Nov, 20:45
comet 0 0 0   no submission  
cosmos 20 0 20     15 Nov, 23:07
earth 20 80 100     19 Nov, 20:26
gaia 0 0 0   no submission  
halley 20 20 40   no times, not good output format, no thread names, no final block time report, program doesn't end 18 Nov, 20:13
horizon 20 80 100     15 Nov, 15:19
hubble 20 80 100   number of mixers is multiple of 3 19 Nov, 00:01
jupiter 20 80 100     15 Nov, 22:44
mariner 0 0 0 20 submitted but no report no running program ( MH - demoed that something is working). 18 Nov, 17:11
mars 20 80 100     Nov 14, 7:32
mercury 20 0 20   seg faults 30 Nov, 12:50
meteor     0      
pathfinder 20 20 40   program doesn't produce expected and meaningful output Nov 15, 19:41
phobos 0 0 0   no submission  
skylab 0 0 0   no submission  
sputnik 0 0 0   no submission  
tripod 20 80 100     15 Nov, 20:59
uranus     0      
venus 20 60 80   No intermediate reports (-r), no max running time, no overall block times 16 Nov, 17:56
viking 0 0 0   no submission