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Assignment 7: Light Finder

Assignment Day

March 24, 2011 (Workshop Day)

Due Date
April 07, 2011 ( 15 photos due - Thursday)

Photo Credit: Paul Duke


Learn about directional light that have the potential to give subjects a 3 dimensional feel.

Part 1: Workshop Day

Create 3 sets of a minumum of 3 photo each, illustrating short, broad and split natural lighting using a 2:1 lighting ratio (use the light finder to find a 2:1 ratio).

Set 1: Light Finder: For this set take at least 3 photos, one when the grays appear to be the same shade of grade, one when you simulate their 'natural' shade, and then a third creating an extreme (i.e., find 3:1 or higher light ratio).

Set 2: Stiff Model: Find short, broad and split lighting with a 2:1 light ratio using the light finder.

Set 3: Live Person: Find short, broad and split lighting with a 2:1 light ratio using the light finder.

Create a set called: "Light Finder" on flickr and add the 6 photos describe above.

Part 2: Practice

Create 2 more sets of 2:1 short, broad and split natural portrait lighting, with your own human (like) model.

You may not use a pet, but you may use a doll or something human looking.

Add 6 more photos to the set "Light Finder" on flickr. Post 3 photos to the group illustrating short, broad and split 2:1 portrait lighting.