Secret Name Projects               Summaries             HW      
P1: ASCII & Server P2: Smart Teams P3: Pong P4: Ant Paths P5: Market P6: Term Project Sub Total Skip 0   25% S1: Robot, JiST S2:
Swarm, MASON
S3: Agent
    Sub Total Skip 1   15% HW1   Sub Total Skip 0  05%
Max 100 100 100 100 100 100     25             30      
11111 90 100             18 23           30       Summary 1 Missing substance: Summary 2 Great improvement  
66666 100 100             25 22           30       Summary2: no critique os speaker  
Canvas 50 80             25 25           30         Project 1: Does not work
Farber 40 90             25 25           30       Summary: Great job on summaries Project 1 missing report, not working
House 100 95             25 22           30       Summar 1/2: Niceley done.  
Mr. Meeseeks 95 100             22 24           30          
Neuro7 90 100             0             30       No Report.  
Ninja 80 100             22             15       Summary 1: nicely done, but no critique of speakers Project 1: not complete
Ockz 80 100             22             15       Summary 1: no critique of speakers Project 1: not complete
PeekUhChoo 0 100             25             30       No project 1 turned in.  
Snoopy 85 95             23 25           30       Summar 1/2: Niceley done.  
Yoyo 80 100             22             5         Project 1: not complete