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Mini Project 3: The Path to Pong


Assignment Day September 22, 2015 (Tuesday)
Due Date September 29, 2015 (Tuesday) 1 Week Project


Collaboration Policy - Read Carefully

You must work on this project individually, but you may discuss this assignment with other students in the class and ask and provide help in useful ways, preferable over our email list so we can all benefit from your great ideas. You may consult (but not copy) any outside resources you including books, papers, web sites and people (but no penguins or sea urchins).

If you use resources other than the class materials, indicate what you used along with your answer.


The main objectives for this assignment are:

This project is by Cole (a graduate student in the simulation group here at UGA), and is inspired by Pong (http://www.ponggame.org/). Interestingly, network applications, and benchmark simulation applications are related to pong. Further the simplicity of pong like applications lends itself to more complex applications.

The project requires python which is a scripting language with a syntax that is similar to Java and C. It is not difficult to pick up. It is designed to be picked up easily.

Simulation system software today are generated from a variety of languages and Java, C and python are common. This will give you an opportunity to get an experience with Python. There will be a second related project in python involving ant paths, that project will be assigned after this project.


Please navigate through these pages above, there may be some minor differences while navigating.



Create an application using pyGame that displays an animated ball until the user quits the application (by clicking on close, or pressing the ESC key). Your ball should start in the center of the window, and should be initialized with a random velocity in the X and Y directions. Each frame, the ball will move according to the given velocity, and when it hits a wall, it should bounce off (similar to the ball in the animation to the right).

You will demonstrate the project in class running on your laptop, and you will also need to submit your working code one nike.

Submitting your project

Submit your file via the submit command:

submit project3 cs8220

You need to name the directory of your source code "project3/". You must to include a README.txt file describing how to run and compile your program. You also need to include a Makefile.

Create a directory project3

source files in python needed that compiles and runs on nike.

Put all the materials needed in the project 3 directory (including a README.txt file)

REPORT.txt (you may change the extension .txt if not plain text e.g., .doc, .pdf) should include minimally:
A description of your project (about 1 page)
Screenshots of your animation.
User documentation, i.e., instructions for a new user on how to use your project (email the report (only) to instructor in addition to provide it i the directory that your turn it to nike), and submit all files to nike.cs.uga.edu via the submit command (see above)