Conferences to pick papers from (suggested pre-picked papers below table):

USENIX Annual Technical Confererence ATC
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) (every odd year)
Symposium on Operating Systems Design (OSDI) (every even eyar) 


Selections from the above conferences: ( here for 2017 )

  * The Design and Implementation of Hyperupcalls ( 2018, here )
  * The Battle of the Schedulers: FreeBSD ULE vs. Linux CFS ( 2018, here )
  * Scaling Guest OS Critical Sections with eCS ( 2018, here )
  * Cache Modeling and Optimization using Miniature Simulations ( 2017, here ) ( conference runs on even years )
  * Arachne: Core-Aware Thread Management ( 2018, here )
  * LegoOS: A Disseminated, Distributed OS for HW Resource ... ( 2018, here )
* Benefits & costs of writing a POSIX kernel in a high-level lang ... ( 2018, here )
  * Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane ( 2018, here ) ( conference runs on odd years )
  * Holistic Configuration Management at Facebook ( 2015, here, pdf )
  * The Scalable Commutativity Rule: Designing Scalable SW for Multicore ... ( 2013, pdf )
  * PARROT: A Practical Runtime for Deterministic, Stable, and Reliable Threads ( 2013, pdf )
  * Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Synchronization but ... ( 2013, pdf )


Others (not as recent), but classic OS papers:
* [not available for presentation] Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management (wikipedia page)