There are four random versions available in the project2 directory for your perusal. These were generated by students from previous years. Two of them are protected under licences. One is the GPL license, and the other is BSD license. These are briefly explained in the file licence.txt also under the project2 directory. Please read licence.txt if you plan to extend or distribute your software with ideas from these programs. SUMMARY of all random programs: C version: Joshua Cook BSD licence C version: Michael Ledford GPL licence java version: Justin Knapp C++ version: Chad Shepherd All of these programs reads from a file called "random.txt" that is in the same directory where you run your program that calls the mrand() function. NOTE: You may want to test your program, "without" having any I/O events. That way it may be easier to calculate the average waiting time by hand first, and then see if this is consistent with your program's results.