Here are some resources for C programming. I sent some of these earlier, but I dont think it made it to the listserv archive. For people who are interested in C: Good reference on C string functions: GDB (GNU Debugger) tutorial There are several good tutorial on the net a listing of various sites can be found at: C Frequently Asked Questions Here are two C books that are not too expensive: - The "classic" C reference the K&R book: i.e. Kernighan and Ritchie's: The C Programming Language, the ANSI version - it has an ansi C stamp on it. this is a reference book, and is also a good to have in you library. I still have mine (and use it) that I got in 1988. - Topics in C Programming, Revised Edition by Stephen G. Kochan, Patrick H. Wood this is more of a tutorial, good if you need to brush up on pointers and so on. This one is available as a used book from For people who forgot java there is a Good Java Book (AND IT IS FREE - downloadable): "Thinking in Java" by Eckel.