#include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include // MH. #include // MH. #include #include #define SERVER "webserver/1.0" #define PROTOCOL "HTTP/1.0" #define RFC1123FMT "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" // thread identity pid_t tid_identity( void ) { pid_t return_id; //return_id = syscall( __NR_gettid ) - getpid(); //linux = need this return_id = (unsigned int) pthread_self() - getpid(); //macos/opaque type return return_id; } char *get_mime_type( char *name ) { char *ext = strrchr(name, '.'); if( !ext ) return NULL; if( strcmp(ext, ".html" ) == 0 || strcmp( ext, ".htm" ) == 0 ) return "text/html"; if( strcmp(ext, ".jpg" ) == 0 || strcmp( ext, ".jpeg" ) == 0 ) return "image/jpeg"; if( strcmp(ext, ".mpeg" ) == 0 || strcmp( ext, ".mpg" ) == 0 ) return "video/mpeg"; if( strcmp(ext, ".gif" ) == 0 ) return "image/gif"; if( strcmp(ext, ".png" ) == 0 ) return "image/png"; if( strcmp(ext, ".css" ) == 0 ) return "text/css"; if( strcmp(ext, ".au" ) == 0 ) return "audio/basic"; if( strcmp(ext, ".wav" ) == 0 ) return "audio/wav"; if( strcmp(ext, ".avi" ) == 0 ) return "video/x-msvideo"; if( strcmp(ext, ".mp3" ) == 0 ) return "audio/mpeg"; return NULL; } void send_headers( FILE *f, int status, char *title, char *extra, char *mime, int length, time_t date ) { time_t now; char timebuf[128]; fprintf( f, "%s %d %s\r\n", PROTOCOL, status, title ); fprintf( f, "Server: %s\r\n", SERVER ); now = time( NULL ); strftime( timebuf, sizeof( timebuf ), RFC1123FMT, gmtime( &now ) ); fprintf( f, "Date: %s\r\n", timebuf ); if( extra ) fprintf( f, "%s\r\n", extra ); if( mime ) fprintf( f, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mime ); if( length >= 0 ) fprintf( f, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", length ); if( date != -1 ) { strftime( timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), RFC1123FMT, gmtime(&date) ); fprintf( f, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", timebuf ); } fprintf( f, "Connection: close\r\n" ); fprintf( f, "\r\n" ); } void send_error( FILE *f, int status, char *title, char *extra, char *text ) { send_headers( f, status, title, extra, "text/html", -1, -1 ); fprintf( f, "%d %s\r\n", status, title ); fprintf( f, "

%d %s

\r\n", status, title ); fprintf( f, "%s\r\n", text ); fprintf( f, "\r\n" ); } void send_file( FILE *f, char *path, struct stat *statbuf ) { char data[4096]; int n; FILE *file = fopen( path, "r" ); if( !file ) { send_error( f, 403, "Forbidden", NULL, "Access denied." ); } else { int length = S_ISREG(statbuf->st_mode) ? statbuf->st_size : -1; send_headers( f, 200, "OK", NULL, get_mime_type( path ), length, statbuf->st_mtime ); while( (n = fread( data, 1, sizeof(data), file)) > 0 ) fwrite( data, 1, n, f ); fclose( file ); } } int process( int s ) { char buf[4096]; char *method; char *_path; char path[4096]; char *protocol; char pathbuf[4096]; char cwd[1024]; int len; FILE *f; struct stat statbuf; struct sockaddr_in peer; //int peer_len = sizeof( peer ); socklen_t peer_len = ( socklen_t ) sizeof( peer ); f = fdopen(s, "a+"); //int getpeername( int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen ); if( getpeername( s, ( struct sockaddr* ) &peer, &peer_len) != -1 ) { printf("[pid %d, tid %d] Received a request from %s:%d\n", getpid(), tid_identity(), inet_ntoa( peer.sin_addr ), (int)ntohs( peer.sin_port ) ); } if( f == NULL ) { //printf("fileopen error: %s\n", s); MH printf( "fileopen error: %d\n", s ); return -1; } if( !fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f ) ) { fclose(f); return -1; } if( getpeername( fileno(f), (struct sockaddr*) &peer, &peer_len) != -1 ) { printf("[pid %d, tid %d] (from %s:%d) URL: %s", getpid(), tid_identity(), inet_ntoa( peer.sin_addr ), (int)ntohs( peer.sin_port ), buf ); } else { printf("[pid %d, tid %d] URL: %s", getpid(), tid_identity(), buf ); } method = strtok( buf, " " ); _path = strtok( NULL, " " ); protocol = strtok( NULL, "\r" ); if( !method || !_path || !protocol ) { fclose(f); return -1; } getcwd( cwd, sizeof(cwd) ); sprintf( path, "%s%s", cwd, _path ); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_CUR); // Force change of stream direction if( strcasecmp(method, "GET") != 0 ) { send_error( f, 501, "Not supported", NULL, "Method is not supported." ); printf( "[pid %d, tid %d] Reply: %s", getpid(), tid_identity(), "Method is not supported.\n" ); } else if( stat(path, &statbuf) < 0 ) { send_error(f, 404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not found."); printf("[pid %d, tid %d] Reply: File not found - %s", getpid(), tid_identity(), path ); } else if( S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ) { len = strlen(path); if( len == 0 || path[len - 1] != '/' ) { snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "Location: %s/", path); send_error(f, 302, "Found", pathbuf, "Directories must end with a slash."); printf("[pid %d, tid %d] Reply: %s", getpid(), tid_identity(), "Directories mush end with a slash.\n"); } else { snprintf( pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "%s%sindex.html",cwd, path ); if( stat(pathbuf, &statbuf) >= 0 ) { send_file(f, pathbuf, &statbuf); printf("[pid %d, tid %d] Reply: filesend %s\n", getpid(), tid_identity(), pathbuf ); } else { DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; send_headers( f, 200, "OK", NULL, "text/html", -1, statbuf.st_mtime ); fprintf( f, "Index of %s\r\n", path ); fprintf( f, "

Index of %s

\n", path );
				fprintf( f, 
				"Name                             Last Modified              Size\r\n");

				fprintf( f, "
\r\n" ); if( len > 1 ) fprintf(f, "..\r\n"); dir = opendir(path); while( (de = readdir(dir)) != NULL ) { char timebuf[32]; struct tm *tm; strcpy(pathbuf, path); strcat(pathbuf, de->d_name); stat(pathbuf, &statbuf); tm = gmtime(&statbuf.st_mtime); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm); fprintf(f, "", de->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ? "/" : ""); fprintf(f, "%s%s", de->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ? "/" : " "); if( strlen(de->d_name) < 32) { //fprintf( f, "%*s", 32 - strlen(de->d_name), ""); fprintf( f, "%*s", (int) (32 - strlen(de->d_name)), "" ); //MH } if( S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ) { fprintf( f, "%s\r\n", timebuf ); } else { //fprintf(f, "%s %10d\r\n", timebuf, statbuf.st_size); fprintf( f, "%s %10lld\r\n", timebuf, statbuf.st_size ); } } closedir(dir); fprintf( f, "
\r\n" "\r\n", SERVER ); printf( "[pid %d, tid %d] Reply: SUCCEED\n", getpid(), tid_identity() ); } } } else { send_file( f, path, &statbuf ); printf( "[pid %d, tid %d] Reply: filesend %s\n", getpid(), tid_identity(), path ); } fclose(f); return 0; } int listener( int port ) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_in peer; int peer_len = sizeof(peer); int r; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_port = htons(port); r = bind( sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin) ); if(r < 0) { perror( "Error binding socket:" ); return -1; } r = listen( sock, 5 ); if( r < 0 ) { perror( "Error listening socket:" ); return -1; } printf( "HTTP server listening on port %d\n", port ); while( 1 ) { int s; s = accept(sock, NULL, NULL); if (s < 0) break; process(s); } close(sock); return 0; } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if( argc < 2 || atoi(argv[1]) < 2000 || atoi(argv[1]) > 50000 ) { fprintf(stderr, "./webserver PORT(2001 ~ 49999)\n"); return 0; } int port = atoi( argv[1] ); listener( port ); return 0; }