README 1. This is the one-processor version of SASSY. It runs with jdk1.5.0. Check your .cshrc file to see whether /usr/local/jdk1.5.0/bin is on your path. If not, add it to the path. 2. To compile this program, type "compile" which invokes "javac" to compile all of the .java files in this directory. 3. There is a testing program coming with SASSY: the ping-pong testing program which includes two files: "" and What this testing program does is to send messages to each other, just like playing Ping-Pong ball. Take a look at the and, you'll figure out how to create a simulation application. The following are some pointers: - You should create at least one class that extends the LogicalProcess class. - You need to implement all the abstract methods specified by LogicalProcess class. - You need to create a configration file to tell SASSY how many LPs you want to create and what they look like. The format of the configuration file: id name className data where id: application-assigned unique id for this LP (e.g. 1, 2) name: application-assigned unique name for this LP (e.g. ping1, ping2) className: the name of the class of which this LP is an instance of (e.g. Ping) data: application specific data(for your use, it can be anything you need) the 4 items are tab-delimited The "name" is totally for your use and you can use whatever name you like for your LPs. But "id" is very important and it must be unique. When you specify where to send a message, you need to use id, not the name. 4. in the script runping which runs the ping-pong testing program, you'll see: java Sim config.txt 3 300 2 where Sim -- is the main program config.txt -- is the configuration file name 3 -- is the number of PEs you want to use in this run 300 -- is the sleep time for each thread (so other threads have a chance to run) 2 -- indicates how often the GVT will be computed; the larger the number, the less often the GVT will be computed. 5. You can find the java documentation for this program at: If you create new files and want to include them in the java documentation, you can do this by typing "rundoc" which will run "javadoc" and create java documents in the "doc" directory.