Assignment 3: Solve Problems P15 (3 points), P16 (3 points), P17 (3 points), P19 (3 points), P24 (4 points), P28 (3 points), P35 (3 points), P36 (3 points) at the end of Chapter 4

Type of Assignment: Only Individual
Deadline: 2012-04-16, 11:59pm
Max Points: 25 points

Submission Guidelines: Create a PDF file called "LastName_FirstName-Assignment3.pdf" that contains the solution to all the problems (mark all the problem numbers and their solutions clearly in the document). Include an explaination of what you did to find the solution. Submit your assignment through, as usual. The name of the directory containing the PDF file with the solutions should be "LastName_FirstName-Assignment3".

Remeber to write your name on the assignment!