ARTI/CSCI-4540/6540   Cool List Assignment 1



Here are some fun predicates for you to play with.  Look them over and let’s discuss any questions you have on Tuesday.  Let’s set the target due date to next Thursday (20th) but we might extend that based on the discussion Tuesday.


cool_reverse(+List, -Result) reverses a list that possibly contains sub lists and reverses the elements in the sub lists also; keeping the “structure” of the list intact.  cool_reverse([a,[b,c],d], X) gives X = [d,[c,b],a].


cool_delete_all(+Ele, +List, -Result) deletes all Ele from List and any sub lists contained within List.  cool_delete_all(c, [a,[b,c],d], X) gives X = [a,[b],d].


flat_reverse(+List, -Result) flattens and reverses List.  Ideally, you should do this the customized way and not simply use “flatten” and then “reverse”.


flat_delete_all(+Ele, +List, -Result) flattens List and deletes all occurrences of Ele.  Ideally, you should do this the customized way and not simply use “flatten” and then “delete_all”.  Caution: think about this a moment and see if you realize the “problem” that might arise if Ele is a list.  Right, if you flatten List first, then there won’t be any Ele occurring in the flattened list.


perms(+List, -Result) takes a List of elements and prepares a Result list containing sub lists that correspond to the permutations of List.  For example, perms([a,b], X) gives X = [[a,b], [b,a]].  Not necessarily in that order.


power(+List, -Result) takes a List of elements and prepares a Result list containing sub lists that correspond to the “subsets” of List.  For example, power([a,b], X) gives X = [[], [a], [b], [a,b]].  Not necessarily in that order.