Note: Prepare solutions using your favorite word processor.  Hand in your solutions (right, only a hardcopy is acceptable) on or before the day of the final exam, no later than 7:00pm; double-spaced with at least 12-point-type print (you can free-hand figures).  Be sure to proofread your answers and don't forget to use your spell checker.  Use real literature citations to support your answers (texts and articles, not web stuff).  Be sure to include author, title, journal/text, date, volume, number, and anything else to identify the reference.  And, include specific page numbers for all supporting references.  Short, concise answers are the best, but in no case should an answer exceed two type written pages.  Be sure to DO YOUR OWN WORK, this is not a team project assignment.


1) (20) Why is multiple fault diagnosis an appropriate domain for applying expert systems?  Be very specific and complete.  Include examples of major expert systems to support your answer if there are any.


2) (20) What are the differences between deep and shallow expert systems?  Be sure to include support for and examples in your answer.


3) (20) What are the basic components of a production system and what components do they correspond to in an expert system architecture?  Explain.


4) (20) Identify 4 domains where using a production system would be considered inappropriate, and 4 where it would be considered appropriate.  Explain your answers.


5) (10) Develop a set of Newell’s PS style production rules to “split” a positive (> 0) binary integer.  That is, given a positive binary integer in the database, apply rules so that the resulting value left in the database is one-half the original value (just truncate any remainders).  For example, given 1100, we apply our set of rules and end up with 110.  Be sure to describe your recognize/act cycle and any characteristics necessary for proper use.


6) (10) Now, develop another set of Newell’s PS style production rules to “double” a positive binary integer.


7) (10) Compare/contrast one of: (case-based reasoning systems or truth maintenance systems) with rule-based systems.  Identify at least 4 major issues for your comparison.  Be sure to support your answer with citations and in-depth analysis (not just definitional issues).


8) (20) Given that: “Bob tells the truth 90% of the time.”, “Jim tells the truth 75% of the time.”, and “A fair six-sided die has been tossed.” determine the following:

a)      what is the probability that the die came up a 6?

b)      what is the probability that the die came up a 6 given that Bob said it came up a 6?

c)      what is the probability that the die came up a 6 given that Jim said it came up a 6?

d)      what is the probability that the die came up a 6 given that Jim said Bob said it came up a 6?


9) (20) Discuss the computational power of production systems and then compare/contrast this power with the computational power of Turing Machines.


10) (30) Present a short overview of MYCIN's approach to dealing with uncertainty (i.e., the use of certainty factors which are based on belief and disbelief measures; in the pre-1977 approach each hypothesis had both an MB and MD stored instead of a single CF).  Compare/contrast this approach to reasoning under uncertainty with one of: (Dempster-Schafer Theory of Belief Functions or Fuzzy Logic).  Focus on 4 issues that you consider the most important.


11) (20) "One of the most often heard criticisms of AI is that machines cannot be called intelligent until they are able to learn to do new things and adapt to new situations, ..."  Argue either for or against this statement using expert systems as your platform.


12) (10) What are the differences between an expert system and a knowledge-based system?  Explain, and use examples to support your answer.


13)  (30) Design and discuss an intelligent information system for handling venomous snakes.  Be sure to include features for handling snake characteristics, anti-venom, snake identification, bite diagnosis, treatment, patient prognosis, and whatever else you feel would be crucial to a useful system.


14) (20) What major stages or steps would you recommend to someone building a KBS?  In which stages would interaction with the expert be most crucial?  Does this change with varying approaches to acquiring knowledge from the expert?


15) (20) Given boolean variables p, q, r, s, & t and the expression


[(p or q) => r] => [(s and t) => r].        where => stands for 'implication'


There is exactly one combination of variable value assignments that results in the expression's value being FALSE.  What are these values?  What is the total number of variable value assignment combinations?  Characterize your problem solving strategy on this problem.  Now, comment on the complexity of automating a strategy (not necessarily the one you used) to solve this type of problem (include guaranteed methods, heuristic approaches, and search space size and growth characteristics).


16) My signature below attests to the fact that I neither gave nor received any unauthorized assistance in the preparation of the answers to this exam.  All answers are my own work and all supporting material has been properly referenced and cited; all in accordance with the university and class policy on academic honesty.



Signature:________________________________________ Date: _________________