Famous animal identification knowledge base [Winston84].

If X has hair

Then X is a mammal.

If X is a carnivore

    And X has tawny color

    And X has dark spots

Then X is a cheetah.

If X gives milk

Then X is a mammal.

If X is a carnivore

    And X has tawny color

    And X has black stripes

Then X is a tiger.

If X has feathers

Then X is a bird.

If X is an ungulate

    And X has long legs

    And X has a long neck

    And X has dark spots

Then X is a giraffe.

If X flies

    And X lays eggs

Then X is a bird.

If X is an ungulate

    And X has white color

    And X has black stripes

Then X is a zebra.

If X is a mammal

    And X eats meat

Then X is a carnivore.

If X is a bird

    And X does not fly

    And X has long legs

    And X has a long neck

    And X is black and white

Then X is an ostrich.

If X is a mammal

    And X has pointed teeth

    And X has claws

    And X has forward pointing eyes

Then X is a carnivore.

If X is a bird

    And X does not fly

    And X swims

    And X is black and white

Then X is a penguin.

If X is a mammal

    And X has hoofs

Then X is an ungulate.

If X is a bird

    And X is a good flyer

Then X is an albatross.

If X is a mammal

    And X eats cud

Then X is an ungulate.



Objects in the domain: albatross, tiger, cheetah, ostrich,zebra, and giraffe.