Current Cool Links
*** Check This Out: LEGO Segway Bot ***
*** Check This Out: FAQs WinCE & iPAQs ***
*** Check This Out: TIM-BOT Web Page ***
*** Check This Out: PackBot Web Page ***
*** Check This Out: Darren's Own Cool Robotics Web Page ***
*** Check This Out: Dartmouth Molecular Bots ***
*** Check This Out: Mario Ferrari's Web Site (yes, we have his book) ***
*** Check This Out: David Baum's NQC Web Site ***
*** Check This Out: Better Control Center for NQC ***
*** Check This Out: Info on NQC ***
*** Check This Out: It's the NASA Link Site ***
*** Cool Article: Weed Zapper ***
*** Cool Article: Sprawl Robots ***
*** Cool Article: Spider Link Models ***
*** Cool Article: Rubik's Cube LEGO Solver ***
*** Cool Article: Indiana Jones? ***
*** Cool Article: LEGO Mindstorm I/O Expansion Kit ***
*** Cool Link: The Kismet Robot ***
*** Cool Article: News From CMU ***
date last modified: 9/18/02
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