Research interests:
- Networked Multi-Robot Systems
- Intelligent Teleoperation
- Robot Communications
- Robotics in Nuclear Applications
- Search and Rescue Robotics
- Human-Robot interfaces
- Machine Learning
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Welcome to my homepage!
I'm an Assistant Professor at University of Georgia (UGA) Department of Computer Science, with a focus on Robotics. I direct the Heterogeneous Robotics (HeRo) reserach lab. I'm a faculty fellow in the Faculty of Robotics and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at UGA.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at Purdue University, working with Prof. Byung-Cheol Min of SMART Lab on projects relevant to Networked Robotics and Assistive Technologies.
Before that, I was working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Robotics Perception and Learning (RPL) lab (previously Computer Vision and Active Perception lab) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden with Prof. Petter Ogren. At KTH, I was involved in two European projects under EU-FP7 grants, TRADR and RECONFIG.
For my doctoral research, I worked at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Switzerland, conducting research in mobile robotics and received my Ph.D. (Robotics and Automation) from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain in Oct 2014. My Ph.D. thesis titled "Wireless communication enhancement methods for mobile robots in radiation environments" was on teleoperated mobile robots for radiation survey applications at CERN. I was part of the EU-ITN project PURESAFE as a Marie-Curie Early State Researcher. I had developed tools for optimizing and predicting wireless communication in mobile robots applied in hostile environmental conditions. While at CERN, I also led a part of the Robotic Train project (TIM - Train Inspection Monorail) for conducting radiation inspections at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
For full list of publication click hereHeterogeneous Robotics (HeRo) Research Lab
I'm currently establishing a new Heterogeneous Robotics (HeRo) Research Lab at UGA. Website of the lab:
Recruiting Students:
I am looking for highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students with research interests in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems. Please send me an email with a breif statement of interest and your CV, if you are interested in working with me!
ramviyas at uga dot edu
Phone: (706) 542 2911
Office: 803 Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center, Department of Computer Science, University of Georgia,Athens, GA 30602, USA
Director, HeRoLab - Heterogeneous Robotics Laboratory , Lab: 427-437 Stageman Coliseum Basketball Stadium. University of Georgia,Athens, GA 30602, USA