CSCI 1730 - Summer 2009 - Submitting Projects

Remember the honesty policy (included in the Syllabus): Do not turn in anything but your own work.

Projects are due at midnight on the specified due date. Any late project will be assessed a 10 point penalty (out of 100 possible for the project) per day or part thereof that it is late, up to a limit of two days late. A project which is submitted more than 48 hours late will not be graded and will receive a zero.

A program that does not compile on odin with the gcc compiler (for C programs) or the g++ compiler (for C++ programs) of GCC 4.1.2 will not be graded and will receive a zero.

All projects are required to have a README file turned in with them. The README file should include your name and any special instructions for compiling and running your project. It should also contain a summary of anything you did that was above and beyond the project requirements. If you did not complete the project, explain what parts of the project are not working and why you did not complete it.

You are required to submit all projects electronically through odin. You must first have a directory on your Linux account called "Project#" where # is the project you are submitting. So the directory name will be Project1A, Project1B, Project2A, or the like. This directory must contain the README file and all source code and header files needed for testing and demonstrating your solution to the project specifications. Include a makefile named Makefile which enables the user to compile everything by executing "make". Extra (non-required) features may be included. Do not include any *.o or executable files.

If you are logged into one of the workstations in 307, you need to remotely log into odin. To do this, open up a console window and type "ssh [username]". You will be asked for a password. After entering it, you will be logged into odin.

Make sure all your files are in their proper places in the directory called "Project#". Now change directories up to the level above your project folder - it probably should be your csci1730 folder. Type "ls" and press enter. You should see your project directory.

Now type the following command (without the quotes) and press enter: "submit Project# cs1730", where Project# is the folder you wish to submit.
WARNING : Do not use the "tab" auto-completion feature of your Linux shell to run this command, as it has caused many problems in the past. In other words, make sure you type the entire command.

You will receive a receipt in that directory letting you know that your project has been submitted. Keep that for future reference.