CSCI 6610 Automata and Formal Languages Spring 2004 Prerequisite: CSCI 2670 Theory of Computing CSCI 2670 Theory of Computing is a prerequisite to CSCI 6610 which is fully relied on. If there are gaps in your background it is your responsibility to to take the time and initiative to fill them in. The textbook for CSCI 6610 is the one used PRIOR TO FALL 2003 for CSCI 2670: "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Michael Sipser. It is expected that you will be thoroughly familiar with the topics covered in the following parts of the text: Ch. 0 Introduction Ch. 1 Regular Languages Ch. 2 Context-Free Languages Ch. 3 The Church-Turing Thesis Ch. 4 Decidability Ch. 5 Reducibility In addition you should know about DFA minimization and the CYK algorithm. Sipser doesn't discuss DFA minimization, but you can read about it in section 4.4 of the CURRENT text for CSCI 2670 (see below). Sipser does present the CYK algorithm (without attribution, unfortunately) on pp. 240 and 241, but most will find the account in section 7.4.4 of the current text for CSCI 2670 to be clearer. The current text for CSCI 2670 is "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", second edition, by Hopcroft, Motwani and Ullman. In CSCI 6610 it is expected that you will be thoroughly familiar with the topics covered in the following parts of this text: Ch. 1: Review of proof techniques, intro. to automata Ch. 2: Finite automata Ch. 3: Regular expressions and languages Ch. 4: Properties of regular languages Ch. 5: Context-free grammars and languages Ch. 6: Pushdown automata Ch. 7: Properties of context-free languages Ch. 8: Introduction to Turing machines (through section 8.4) Ch. 9: Undecidability