CSCI 4720: Computer Architecture and Organization
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Thiab R. Taha, e-mail:
OFFICE: Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center, Room 545
OFFICE HOURS: T 1:00-1:50 PM and TH 2:30-3:20 PM, GSRC 5455
LECTURES: 03 and 04 M, T, TH and 03 W, Boyd, GSRC Room 306
COURSE OBJECTIVES OR EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will learn how modern computing systems are designed, including principles of logic design, simulation, and test. Study of subsystem structure will include input/output, memory, and communications. Instruction set architecture and assembly language programming will be presented.
TEXT: Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface. 4rd. Edition by Patterson and Hennessy, 2009.
The course will cover essentially Chapters 1-7 and the Appendices B, C and D
from the text book; Also, the following software packages will be used: XSPIM
and GSIM.
Will be assigned to help you understand the material. Homework will be
collected in lectures.
MAKE UP TESTS: No make up exams.
Unexcused test absences result in a score of zero for the missing test. Excused absences require extenuating circumstances and advance notice; the missing grade will be replaced by the Other Exam Grade.
Note: The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course; deviations may be necessary. Academic Honesty: The Department Policy applies(see next page).