CSCI 4140/6140: Numerical Methods and Computing

Spring Semester 2007


INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Thiab R. Taha, e-mail:

OFFICE: Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center, Room 420

OFFICE HOURS: T, Th 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM, GSRC 420

PREREQUISITE: CSCI 1302 and MATH 2210/2210L, Co-requisite MATH 3000

LECTURES: M/06 & T,TH/75, GSRC 306/ Chemistry 553


  1. Computer arithmetic and erros.
  2. Numerical solutions of nonlinear equations.
  3. Polynomial interpolation.
  4. Numerical differentiation and integration.
  5. Numerical solution of systems of linear equations.
  6. Initial and boundary value problems.
  7. System of ordinary differential equations.
  8. Spline functions.
  9. The method of least squares.

Numerical Mathematics and Computing (Fifth Edition) by Ward Cheney and David Kincaid

The course will cover essentially Chapters 1-8, 10, 11, 14, 9, 12, Appendices A, B, C, D from the text book; Mathematical software packages such as Matlab and Maple will be used during the course.

Will be assigned to help you understand the material. Homework will be collected in lectures.


  • Hour tests, in class (2) 32%(Feb. 20, 2007 and April 17, 2007)
  • Final Exam 32%(3:30 - 6:30 pm, May 8, 2007)
  • Homeworks 36%

    Graduate students will be asked to do extra problem(s) on the tests and homeworks and/or a project.

    MAKE UP TESTS: No make up tests.

    Unexcused test absences result in a score of zero for the missing test. Excused absences require extenuating circumstances and advance notice; the missing grade will be replaced by the Final Exam grade.

    Note: The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course; deviations may be necessary.

    Academic Honesty: The Department Policy applies: see overleaf.
