Wenwen Wang
Assistant Professor
School of Computing
University of Georgia (UGA)
Office: 806 Boyd Research and Education Center
wenwen AT cs.uga.edu
- 09/2024
Invited to the FSE 2025 program committee.
- 08/2024
Boyang Yi, Yage Hu, and Suxin Ji joined our group as PhD students. Welcome!
- 07/2024
A research project was funded by National Science Foundation (Link).
- 07/2024
A paper was accepted to ICSE 2025.
- 05/2024
Invited to the ICCD 2024 program committee.
- 05/2024
Invited to the CGO 2025 program committee.
- 05/2024
Received a travel grant to attend the 4th High-Performance Computing Security Workshop.
- 03/2024
Our CGO 2024 paper received the Distinguished Paper Award.
- 02/2024
Invited to the ACSAC 2024 program committee.
- 01/2024
Invited to the SOAP 2024 program committee.
- 12/2023
A research project was funded by National Science Foundation (Link).
- 11/2023
Received a travel grant to attend the First International Workshop on Software Defect Datasets (SDD 2023), held in conjunction with ESEC/FSE 2023.
- 10/2023
Invited to the ICSE 2025 organizing committee (Workshops Co-Chair).
- 08/2023
Qingchen Kong joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome, Qingchen!
- 08/2023
A paper was accepted to NDSS 2024.
- 07/2023
A paper was accepted to CGO 2024.
- 07/2023
Invited to the FSE 2024 program committee.
- 06/2023
Invited to the ICCD 2023 program committee.
- 03/2023
Invited to the ACSAC 2023 program committee.
- 11/2022
Invited to the ASE 2023 program committee.
- 11/2022
Invited to the HPDC 2023 program committee.
- 10/2022
Invited to the CLUSTER 2023 program committee.
- 10/2022
Received travel grants to attend IISWC 2022.
- 09/2022
A paper was accepted to LCPC 2022.
- 09/2022
A paper was accepted to IISWC 2022.
- 08/2022
Botang Xiao joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome, Botang!
- 04/2022
Invited to the ICCD 2022 program committee.
- 04/2022
Wen and I received travel grants to attend the in-person ICSE 2022.
- 02/2022
Invited to the PACT 2022 program committee.
- 02/2022
Invited to the ICPP 2022 program committee.
- 01/2022
Invited to the HPDC 2022 program committee.
- 12/2021
A paper was accepted to ICSE 2022.
- 08/2021
A paper was accepted to MEMSYS 2021.
- 07/2021
Invited to the PPoPP 2022 program committee.
- 06/2021
Invited to the IISWC 2021 program committee.
- 06/2021
A paper was accepted to ICPP 2021.
- 05/2021
Invited to the ICCD 2021 program committee.
- 04/2021
A paper was accepted to USENIX ATC 2021.
- 04/2021
Invited to the CGO 2022 program committee.
- 04/2021
Jin's presentation received the Best Presentation award at VEE 2021.
- 03/2021
A paper was accepted to ICS 2021.
- 03/2021
Invited to the MICRO 2021 external review committee.
- 03/2021
Invited to the PACT 2021 program committee.
- 02/2021
A paper was accepted to VEE 2021.
- 01/2021
Received the M. G. Michael Award.
- 12/2020
A paper was accepted to CC 2021.
- 11/2020
A paper was accepted to CGO 2021.
- 08/2020
A paper was accepted to Middleware 2020.
- 07/2020
Invited to the ASPLOS 2021 external review committee.
- 07/2020
A paper was accepted to MICRO 2020.
- 06/2020
Invited to the AsiaCCS 2021 program committee.
- 06/2020
Invited to the HPCA 2021 organizing committee (Publicity Co-Chair).
- 05/2020
A paper was accepted to ICPP 2020.
- 04/2020
Invited to the ICCD 2020 program committee.
- 04/2020
Invited to the IISWC 2020 program committee.
- 10/2019
A paper was accepted to CGO 2020.
- 09/2019
Joined the CS Department at UGA as an Assistant Professor.
- 04/2019 A paper was accepted to USENIX ATC 2019.
- 07/2018 A paper was accepted to CCS 2018.
- 02/2018 A paper was accepted to VEE 2018.
- 11/2017 A paper was accepted to ASPLOS 2018.
- 04/2017 Invited to the IISWC 2017 program committee.
- 02/2017 A paper was accepted to MobiSys 2017.
- 04/2016 A paper was accepted to USENIX ATC 2016.
- 09/2015 Joined Prof. Pen-Chung Yew's group as a postdoc.
- 08/2015 A paper was accepted to LCPC 2015.
- 07/2014 A paper was accepted to ASE 2014.
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