Yi Hong

The University of Georgia
Yi Hong 

Yi Hong
Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science
The University of Georgia

Office: Boyd 616
Email: yi.hong AT uga DOT edu

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Georgia since 2016. My research interests lie in the area of image and shape analysis. I am interested in developing computational methodologies for image understanding problems in the fields of medical image analysis and computer vision. I am also excited in interdisciplinary research, collaborating and working with researchers from related fields.

Before joining UGA, I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, under the supervision of Dr. Marc Niethammer. I am a recipient of the 2014 MICCAI young scientist award (a.k.a., student best paper award) and a 2015 UNC dissertation completion fellowship.


  • Jan. 2020:  Our paper on Hybrid Cascaded Neural Network for Liver Lesion Segmentation was accepted by ISBI 2020.

  • Jan. 2020:  Our paper on SA-Net: Robust State-Action Recognition for Learning from Observations was accepted by ICRA 2020.

  • May 2018:  Our paper on CompNet: Complementary Segmentation Network for Brain MRI Extraction was accepted by MICCAI 2018 as a spotlight.

  • May 2018:  Our paper on Predictive Image Regression for Longitudinal Studies with Missing Data was accepted by MIDL 2018.

  • May 2018:  Our paper on Genetic Load Determines Atrophy in Hand Cortico-Striatal Pathways in Presymptomatic Huntington's Disease was accepted by Human Brain Mapping.

  • Jun. 2017:  Our paper on Fast Geodesic Regression for Population-Based Image Analysis was accepted by MICCAI 2017 for oral presentation.

  • Jan. 2017:  Our paper on Regression Uncertainty on the Grassmannian was accepted by AISTATS 2017 for oral presentation.


I am looking for self-motivated master and Ph.D. students to join my research group. Prior research experience in image analysis, optimization, statistical shape analysis, or other related areas is a plus. If you are interested in my research and in working with me, please send me your CV or stop by my office if you are at UGA.