Jaewoo Lee
Associate professor
Department of Computer Science,
University of Georgia,
Athens, GA
My Profile
I am an associate professor in School of Computing at University of Georgia. Before joining UGA, I was a postdoctoral research associate working in Prof. Daniel Kifer's machine learning lab at PennState university.
I received my Ph.D. in computer science in 2014 from Purdue university, where I studied privacy-preserving
data analysis techniques under the supervision of Prof. Chris Clifton.
Before joining Purdue, I was a member of database group at Yonsei university where I obtained my master and bachelor degrees in Computer Science. During my master study, I did research on developing efficient stream mining algorithms for high-dimensional data streams under the supervision of Prof. Won Suk Lee.
My primary research interests lie in the field of machine learning, numerical optimization, and their interaction with statistical data privacy (such as differential privacy). I work on developing new statistical models and algorithms for performing various machine learning (including deep learning) tasks on sensitive data.
The research topics of my interests are listed below, but not limited to:
- Machine learning
- Numerical optimization
- Statistical data privacy
- Security analytics
- Soham Sajekar, Sanika Katekar, and Jaewoo Lee
Diffusion Augmented Flows: Combining Normalizing Flows and Diffusion Models for Accurate Latent Space Mapping
FICC 2024
- Juyeon Seo, Jaewoo Lee, Juhyun Lee, and Hyunsuk Ko
Deep compression network for enhancing numerical reconstruction quality of full-complex holograms
Optics Express, 2023
- Yongrok Kim, Won Shin, Jaewoo Lee, Kwan-Jung Oh, and Hyunsuk Ko
Performance analysis of versatile video coding for encoding phase-only hologram videos
Optics Express 2023
- Jaewoo Lee
MBAG: A Scalable Mini-Block Adaptive Gradient Method for Deep Neural Networks
IEEE BigData 2022
- Jaewoo Lee, Minjung Kim, Yonghyun Jeong, and Youngmin Ro
Differentially Private Normalizing Flows for Synthetic Tabular Data Generation
AAAI 2022
- Shivani Arbat, Vinod Jayakumar, Jaewoo Lee, Wei Wang, and In Kee Kim
Wasserstein Adversarial Transformer for Cloud Workload Prediction
IAAI 2022
- Seung Woo Kwak, Jeongyoun Ahn, Jaewoo Lee, and Cheolwoo Park
Differentially Private Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Continuous Variables
Econometrics and Statistics 2021
- Sen He, Tianyi Liu, Palden Lama, Jaewoo Lee, In Kee Kim, and Wei Wang.
Performance Testing for Cloud Computing with Dependent Data Bootstrapping
- Amanda Giordano, Lindsay Lundeen, Kelly Wester, Jaewoo Lee, Samuel Vickers, Michael
Schmit, and In Kee Kim
Nonsuicidal self-injury on Instagram: Examining hashtag trends
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 2021
- Jaewoo Lee and Daniel Kifer
Scaling up Differentially Private Deep Learning with Fast Per-Example Gradient Clipping
PETS 2021
- Chen Chen and Jaewoo Lee
Stochastic Adaptive Line Search for Differentially Private Optimization
IEEE BIG DATA 2020 (Regular paper)
- Jaewoo Lee and Daniel Kifer
Differentially Private Deep Learning with Direct Feedback Alignment
In preparation (Arxiv 2020)
- Daniele Ucci, Roberto Perdisci, Jaewoo Lee, Mustaque Ahamad
Building a Collaborative Phone Blacklisting System with Local Differential Privacy
ACSAC 2020
- Chen Chen, Jaewoo Lee
Renyi Differentially Private ADMM for Non-smooth Regularized Optimization
- Vinodh K. Jayakumar, Jaewoo Lee, In Kee Kim, Wei Wang
A Self-Optimized Generic Workload Prediction Framework for Cloud Computing
- Lei Xian, Samuel Dakota Vickerss, Amanda L. Giordano, Jaewoo Lee, In Kee Kim, Lakshmish Ramaswamy
#selfharm on Instagram: Quantitative Analysis and Classification of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
IEEE CogMI 2019
- Chen Chen, Jaewoo Lee, and Daniel Kifer
Renyi Differentially Private ERM for Smooth Objectives
AISTATS 2019 (Oral presentation)
- Yue Wang, Daniel Kifer, and Jaewoo Lee
Differentially Private Confidence Intervals for Empirical Risk Minimization
Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 2019
- Yue Wang, Daniel Kifer, Jaewoo Lee, and Visesh Karwa
Statistical Approximating Distributions Under Differential Privacy
Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 2018
- Jaewoo Lee and Daniel Kifer
Concentrated Differentially Private Gradient Descent with Adaptive per-Iteration Privacy Budget
In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (2018)
- Jaewoo Lee
Differentially Private Variance Reduced Stochastic Gradient
International Conference on new Trends in Computing Sciences, 2017
- Jaewoo Lee and Daniel Kifer
Postprocessing for Iterative Differentially Private Algorithms
ICML Workshop on Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy, 2016
- Yue Wang, Jaewoo Lee and Daniel Kifer
Differentially Private Hypothesis Testing, Revisited
ArXiv. Nov. 2015
- Jaewoo Lee, Yue Wang, and Daniel Kifer
Maximum Likelihood Postprocessing for Differential Privacy under Consistency Constraints
In Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (2015)
- Jaewoo Lee and Daniel Kifer
Top-k Frequent Itemsets via Differentially Private FP-trees†
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (2014)
- Jaewoo Lee and Chris Clifton
Differential Identifiability
In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining
- Jaewoo Lee and Chris Clifton
How much is enough?: Choosing epsilon for Differential Privacy
In Proceedings of the 14th Information Security international conference (2011)
- Hazem Elmeleegy, Ahmed Elmagarmid and Jaewoo Lee
Leveraging Query Logs for Schema Mapping Generation in U-MAP
In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (2011)
- Hazem Elmeleegy,Jaewoo Lee, El Kindi Rezig, Mourad Ouzzani, Ahmed Elmagarmid
U-MAP: A System for Usage-based Schema Matching and Mapping (demo)
In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (2011)
- Jae Woo Lee, Nam Hun Park, Won Suk Lee
Efficiently Tracing Clusters over High-dimensional On-line Data Streams
In Journal of Data Knowledge Engineering (2009)
- Jae Woo Lee and Won Suk Lee
A Coarse-grain Grid-based Subspace Clustering Method for Online Multi-dimensional Data Streams
In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (2008)
- Rajesh Kalyanam, Lan Zhao, Carol X. Song, Yuet Ling Wong,Jaewoo Lee, Nelson B. Villoria
iData: a community geospatial data sharing environment to support data-driven science
In Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery (2013)