Research Day 2010 Description
On Friday, April 9, the CS Department will hold a Research Day
in the Tate Reception Hall from 12-3 pm.
The UGA Computer Science Department has an active and growing program
of research, with roughly 120 graduate students, and faculty experts in areas including:
|   Distributed information systems  
|   Scientific computing  
Artificial intelligence  
|   Evolutionary computing  
|   Simulation  
|   Human-computer interaction  
|   Theory  
|   Parallel & distributed computing  
|   Virtual reality
|   Real-time systems  
|   Vision & image Processing
Computer Science Research Day is designed to showcase the
accomplishments and abilities of our thriving graduate program and takes
the form of a poster competition among the graduate students.
We invite the university community, potential graduate students, alumni,
and current and potential industrial affiliates to:
- Meet our graduate students and view their research posters
- Cast votes for Best Posterand Best Demo
- Enjoy some refreshments
- Identify potential assistants for your research or other funded work
- Meet our faculty members; find collaborators
Poster & Demo competition
(1st, 2nd, and 3rd for both poster and demo categories)
- First prize - $500 in travel funds for a student author to
present a paper at a conference.
- Second prize - $250 in travel funds for a student author to
present a paper at a conference.
- Third prize - $100 gift certificate at the University bookstore.
Note: travel funds to be used by June 1st, 2011.