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Most Relevant Courses

Advanced Database Systems (CSCI 8370)

Machine Learning (CSCI 8950)

Artificial Intelligence (CSCI 6550)

Other Relevant Courses

Algorithms (CSCI 6470)

Software Engineering (CSCI 6050)

Knowledge-Based Systems (CSCI 8050)

Introduction to Game Programming (CSCI 6070)

Advanced Real-Time Systems (CSCI 8740)

Additional Courses

Quantum Computing (CSCI 6612)

Automata and Formal Languages (CSCI 6610)

Introduction to Robotics (CSCI 6530)

Computer Systems Architecture (CSCI 6720)

Relevant Coursework in Mathematics

Probability (MATH 6600)

Numerical Analysis (MATH 8500)

Multivariable Analysis (MATH 6120)

Real Analysis (MATH 8100)