M: Introduction to Computational Data Science Using ScalaTion
John A. Miller, 2020 (see the August 16, 2022 version).H: Knowledge Graphs, Hogan et al., 2021.
B: Demystifying Graph Databases: Analysis and Taxonomy of Data Organization, System Designs, and Graph Queries, Besta et al. (revised 2021).
LVB: Principles of Database Management: The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and Small Data,
By Lemahieu, Wilfried; Vanden Broucke, Seppe; Baesens, Bart, 2018.EN: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition,
Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, 2016.Kutner: Applied Regression Analysis,
Chapter 13: Introduction to Nonlinear Regression and Neural Networks,
Kutner and Nachtsheim and Neter, 2016.
Class Time
Day Period 8 Period 76 4:10 am-5:00 pm 3:55 am-5:10 pm Tuesday no yes Wednesday yes no Thursday no yes Room Boyd 306 Boyd 306
Course Description
This is an advanced course on database systems and related information technology. Topics vary year to year.Current Focus: Graph Databases, Knowledge Graphs, Machine Learning Related to Graphs
12 Topics for Final Exam
- Graph Database Model - Labeled Property Graph (LPG)
- Graph Database Query Languages
- Graph Algebra
- Graph Database Query Processing
- Knowledge Graphs from RDF
- Knowledge Graphs from LPG
- Graph Algorithms - e.g., Neo4j's Graph Data Science Library
- Neural Networks
- Convolutional Networks
- Knowledge Graph Completion
- Graph Embedding
- Graph Neural Networks
Course Topics
Topic Text URL NoSQL M: Ch. 4, EN: Ch. 24 NoSQL -> Columnar Databases M: Ch. 4, EN: 24.6 C-Store -> Graph Databases M: Ch. 5, EN: 24.5 Neo4j --> Graph Database Literatures GDBMS -> Document Databases EN: 24.3 MongoDB Parallel and Distributed Databases EN: Ch. 23 Massively Parallel Databases and MapReduce Systems Big Data EN: Ch. 25 Big Data: A Survey -> Hadoop EN: 25.2-5 Apache Hadoop -> Spark . Apache Spark -> ScalaTion . ScalaTion Project Analytics/Data Mining M: Chs: 8-13, EN: Ch. 28 . -> Nonlinear Regression and Neural Networks M: Ch. 11, EN: 28.5, Kutner Chapter 13 analytics -> Forecasting M: Ch. 12, EN: 28.5 forecaster -> Classification M: Chs. 8, 9, EN: 28.3 classifier -> Clustering M: Ch. 13, EN: 28.3 clusterer
Potential Topics from Top-Tier Research Conferences
- SIGMOD / SIGMOD Archive , ICDE / ICDE Archive , VLDB / VLDB Archive , ISWC / ISWC Archive , ICWS / ICWS Archive , SCC / SCC Archive , BigData Congress / BigData Congress Archive , BigData Conference / BigData Conference Archive .
Additional Notes
- Conflict Serializability
- View Serializability
- Semantic Web
- The Elements of Statistical Learning
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning
Research Paper: format and target for a particular research conference.
Weight Item Due Date 20% Final 12/? 10% Homework see below 20% Group Programs see below 10% Group Lecture see below 40% Group Project see below -- 10% -- 25 min. Presentation . -- 10% -- 8 min. Demo . -- 20% -- Research Paper .
(Subject to Change)
Number Name Description Due Date 1 HW-1 M: section 4.5 Exercises - all Thur 8/27 2 HW-2 M: section 5.5 Exercises - all Thur 9/3 3 HW-3 . . 4 HW-4 . . 5 HW-5 . . 6 HW-6 . . 7 HW-7 . . 8 HW-8 . . 9 HW-9 . . Each student should present one homework solution to the class.
Programs (by Group)
Program Description Restrictions Due Date PG1 Finish Coding of (1) Table, (2) LTable, (3) VTable, (4) GTable or (5) PGraph. See Appendix C.5 pages 679-680 in M: Textbook. . . PG2 Test Efficiency of Query Processing for your software chosen in PG1. Compare with Neo4j and MySQL. . . Each group must demo and submit each programming assignment (e-mail zip file to jam@cs.uga.edu).
Coded in Scala 3.2.0-RC3+, requires Java 17+ or an approved JVM-based language.
Simulation, Optimization and Analytics Using ScalaTion 2.0
See Code Samples
Student Lectures (by Group)
Each group should provide lecture material (ideally via a Web page). Each group will give three lectures with all members participating. Two goals: (i) teach the class about an important research area and (ii) provide background information for your term project. Each group must develop one homework problem on the material they teach that will help the students study for the Final. URLs for lecture notes, tutorial paper, research paper and homework problem should be ready before the group's first lecture.
Group Topical Area Topic Example Tutorial Paper (pdf) Research Paper (pdf) Lecture Notes (pdf) HW Problem Lecture Dates G1 . . . . . . . . G2 . . . . . . . . G3 . . . . . . . . G4 . . . . . . . . G5 . . . . . . . . See GDBMS for example papers.
- Tuesday Lecture - on Tutorial/Survey Paper; Assign Homework Problem
- Wednesday Lecture - on Research Paper, which should be readable, closely related to the topic of Term Project.
- Thursday Lecture - on your Research Plan; Homework Presented
Term Projects (by Group)
Research paper title, abstract and target conference due before group lecture. Research paper due 11/?.
Group Topical Area Research Paper Title Abstract Target Conference Presentation Date G1 . . . . . G2 . . . . . G3 . . . . . G4 . . . . . G5 . . . . .
- Late Points - 10 points off per day late.
- Make-Up Tests - requires (i) written pre-approval for travel/time conflicts or (ii) written explanation for illness.
- A Culture of Honesty -- Examples.
- Copyright Issues -- Regents Guide to Understanding Copyright.
Academic Honesty:
All students are responsible for maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity in every phase of their academic careers. The penalties for academic dishonesty are severe and ignorance is not an acceptable defense. For more detail, please see the UGA policy at: https://honesty.uga.edu/Academic-Honesty-Policy/
School of Computing Policy Statement on Academic HonestyThe Computer Science Department recognizes honesty and integrity as necessary to the academic function of the University. Therefore all students are reminded that the CS faculty requires compliance with the conduct regulations found in the University of Georgia Student Handbook. Academic honesty means that any work you submit is your own work.
Common forms of academic dishonesty against which students should guard are:
1. Copying from another student's test paper or laboratory report, or allowing another student to copy from you;
2. Fabricating data (computer, statistical) for an assignment;
3. Helping another student to write a laboratory report or computer software code that the student will present as his own work, or accepting such help and presenting the work as your own;
4. Turning in material from a public source such as a book or the Internet as your own work.
Three steps to help prevent academic dishonesty are:
1. Familiarize yourself with the regulations.
2. If you have any doubt about what constitutes academic dishonesty, ask your instructor or a staff member at the Office of Judicial Programs.
3. Refuse to assist students who want to cheat.
All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to report all suspected cases of academic dishonesty. All cases of suspected academic dishonesty (cheating) will be referred to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. Penalties imposed by the Office of Judicial Programs may include a failing grade in the course and a notation on the student's transcript. Repeated violations are punishable by expulsion from the University. For further information please refer to the UGA Code of Conduct, available at the URL below.
Mental Health and Wellness Resources:
- If you or someone you know needs assistance, you are encouraged to contact Student Care and Outreach in the Division of Student Affairs at 706-542-7774 or visit https://sco.uga.edu/. They will help you navigate any difficult circumstances you may be facing by connecting you with the appropriate resources or services.
- UGA has several resources for a student seeking mental health services https://www.uhs.uga.edu/bewelluga/bewelluga or crisis support https://www.uhs.uga.edu/info/emergencies.
- If you need help managing stress anxiety, relationships, etc., please visit BeWellUGA https://www.uhs.uga.edu/bewelluga/bewelluga for a list of FREE workshops, classes, mentoring, and health coaching led by licensed clinicians and health educators in the University Health Center.
- Additional resources can be accessed through the UGA App.
Coronavirus Information for Students
UGA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources