the animation action to perform
the external id for the component acted upon
the shape of graph component (node, edge or token)
the display label for the component
whether the component is primary (true) or secondary (false)
the color of the component
the set points/dimensions giving the shapes location and size
simulation time when the command is to be performed
the eid of the orgination node (only for edges)
the eid of the destination node (only for edges)
the animation action to perform
the color of the component
This method compares two AnimateCommand objects to see which one has the most recent timestamp.
This method compares two AnimateCommand objects to see which one has the most recent timestamp.
the AnimateCommand to compare this to
the external id for the component acted upon
the eid of the orgination node (only for edges)
the display label for the component
whether the component is primary (true) or secondary (false)
the set points/dimensions giving the shapes location and size
the shape of graph component (node, edge or token)
Show the elements of the array and handle the null case.
Show the elements of the array and handle the null case.
the array to be shown
simulation time when the command is to be performed
Convert the command to a string representation useful to printing/debugging.
Convert the command to a string representation useful to printing/debugging.
the eid of the destination node (only for edges)
This class provides a template for animation commands.
the animation action to perform
the external id for the component acted upon
the shape of graph component (node, edge or token)
the display label for the component
whether the component is primary (true) or secondary (false)
the color of the component
the set points/dimensions giving the shapes location and size
simulation time when the command is to be performed
the eid of the orgination node (only for edges)
the eid of the destination node (only for edges)