root package
package root
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
BpTreeMap2[K <: Comparable[K], V] extends AbstractMap[K, V] with Serializable with Cloneable with SortedMap[K, V]
********************************************************************************** The BpTreeMap2 class provides B+Tree maps.
********************************************************************************** The BpTreeMap2 class provides B+Tree maps. B+Trees are used as multi-level index structures that provide efficient access for both point queries and range queries. All keys will be at the leaf level with leaf nodes linked by references. Internal nodes will contain divider keys such that each divider key corresponds to the largest key in its left subtree (largest left). Keys in left subtree are "<=", while keys in right substree are ">".
Value Members
BpTreeMap2Test extends App
****************************************************************************** The main method used for testing.
package specifies system-wide constants for directory paths. Sub-packages may wish to define 'BASE-DIR = DATA_DIR + ⁄ + <package>' in their own 'package.scala' files. For maintainability, directory paths should only be specified in 'package.scala' files.