
object MatrixR extends Error with Serializable

The MatrixR companion object provides operations for MatrixR that don't require 'this' (like static methods in Java). It provides factory methods for building matrices from files or vectors.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Error, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MatrixR
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Error
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def ++(u: VectorR, w: VectorR): MatrixR

    Concatenate (row) vectors 'u' and 'w' to form a matrix with 2 rows.

    Concatenate (row) vectors 'u' and 'w' to form a matrix with 2 rows.


    the vector to be concatenated as the new first row in matrix


    the vector to be concatenated as the new second row in matrix

  2. def ++^(u: VectorR, w: VectorR): MatrixR

    Concatenate (column) vectors 'u' and 'w' to form a matrix with 2 columns.

    Concatenate (column) vectors 'u' and 'w' to form a matrix with 2 columns.


    the vector to be concatenated as the new first column in matrix


    the vector to be concatenated as the new second column in matrix

  3. def apply(fileName: String): MatrixR

    Create a matrix by reading from a text file, e.g., a CSV file.

    Create a matrix by reading from a text file, e.g., a CSV file.


    the name of file holding the data

  4. def apply(u: Vector[VectorR]): MatrixR

    Create a matrix and assign values from the Scala Vector of vectors 'u'.

    Create a matrix and assign values from the Scala Vector of vectors 'u'. Assumes vectors are columwise.


    the Vector of vectors to assign

  5. def apply(u: Array[VectorR], columnwise: Boolean = true): MatrixR

    Create a matrix and assign values from the array of vectors 'u'.

    Create a matrix and assign values from the array of vectors 'u'.


    the array of vectors to assign


    whether the vectors are treated as column or row vectors

  6. def eye(m: Int, n: Int = 0): MatrixR

    Create an 'm-by-n' identity matrix I (ones on main diagonal, zeros elsewhere).

    Create an 'm-by-n' identity matrix I (ones on main diagonal, zeros elsewhere). If 'n' is <= 0, set it to 'm' for a square identity matrix.


    the row dimension of the matrix


    the column dimension of the matrix (defaults to 0 => square matrix)

  7. final def flaw(method: String, message: String): Unit

    Show the flaw by printing the error message.

    Show the flaw by printing the error message.


    the method where the error occurred


    the error message

    Definition Classes
  8. def form_cw(x: VectorR, y: Real): MatrixR

    Form a matrix from a vector 'x' and a scalar 'y', column-wise.

    Form a matrix from a vector 'x' and a scalar 'y', column-wise.


    the first vector -> column 0


    the second scalar -> column 1 (repeat scalar)

  9. def form_cw(x: Real, y: VectorR): MatrixR

    Form a matrix from a scalar 'x' and a vector 'y', column-wise.

    Form a matrix from a scalar 'x' and a vector 'y', column-wise.


    the first scalar -> column 0 (repeat scalar)


    the second vector -> column 1

  10. def form_cw(x: VectorR, y: VectorR): MatrixR

    Form a matrix from two vectors 'x' and 'y', column-wise.

    Form a matrix from two vectors 'x' and 'y', column-wise.


    the first vector -> column 0


    the second vector -> column 1

  11. def form_rw(x: VectorR, y: Real): MatrixR

    Form a matrix from a vector 'x' and a scalar 'y', row-wise.

    Form a matrix from a vector 'x' and a scalar 'y', row-wise.


    the first vector -> row 0


    the second scalar -> row 1 (repeat scalar)

  12. def form_rw(x: Real, y: VectorR): MatrixR

    Form a matrix from scalar 'x' and a vector 'y', row-wise.

    Form a matrix from scalar 'x' and a vector 'y', row-wise.


    the first scalar -> row 0 (repeat scalar)


    the second vector -> row 1

  13. def form_rw(x: VectorR, y: VectorR): MatrixR

    Form a matrix from two vectors 'x' and 'y', row-wise.

    Form a matrix from two vectors 'x' and 'y', row-wise.


    the first vector -> row 0


    the second vector -> row 1

  14. def outer(x: VectorR, y: VectorR): MatrixR

    Compute the outer product of vector 'x' and vector 'y'.

    Compute the outer product of vector 'x' and vector 'y'. The result of the outer product is a matrix where 'c(i, j)' is the product of 'i'-th element of 'x' with the 'j'-th element of 'y'.


    the first vector


    the second vector

  15. def times(u: VectorR, a: MatrixR): VectorR

    Multiply vector 'u' by matrix 'a'.

    Multiply vector 'u' by matrix 'a'. Treat 'u' as a row vector.


    the vector to multiply by


    the matrix to multiply by (requires sameCrossDimensions)