
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package apps
    Definition Classes
  • package activity

    The activity package contains example applications for activity oriented simulation models.

    The activity package contains example applications for activity oriented simulation models.

    Definition Classes
  • package analytics

    The analytics package contains example applications for analytics: prediction, classification or clustering.

    The analytics package contains example applications for analytics: prediction, classification or clustering.

    Definition Classes
  • AutoMPG_Mat
  • AutoMPG_NullModel
  • AutoMPG_Regression
  • AutoMPG_SimpleRegression
  • AutoMPG_SimplerRegression
  • Census
  • Pendulum
  • PokerBayes
  • RegressionEx
  • SolarRadiation
  • TempPerceptron
  • TempRegression
  • TennisBayes
  • package database

    The database package contains applications of databases.

    The database package contains applications of databases.

    Definition Classes
  • package dynamics

    The dynamics package contains example applications for continuous simulation models based on Ordinary Differential Equations 'ODE's or Partial Differential Equations 'PDE's.

    The dynamics package contains example applications for continuous simulation models based on Ordinary Differential Equations 'ODE's or Partial Differential Equations 'PDE's.

    Definition Classes
  • package event

    The event package contains example applications for event oriented simulation models.

    The event package contains example applications for event oriented simulation models.

    Definition Classes
  • package game

    The game package contains example applications for simulation oriented games.

    The game package contains example applications for simulation oriented games.

    Definition Classes
  • package montecarlo

    The montecarlo package contains example applications for Monte Carlo Simulation.

    The montecarlo package contains example applications for Monte Carlo Simulation.

    Definition Classes
  • package optimization

    The optimization package contains example applications for finding solutions (minima or maxima) to optimization problems.

    The optimization package contains example applications for finding solutions (minima or maxima) to optimization problems.

    Definition Classes
  • package process

    The process package contains example applications for process oriented simulation models.

    The process package contains example applications for process oriented simulation models.

    Definition Classes
  • package state

    The state package contains example applications for state oriented simulation models.

    The state package contains example applications for state oriented simulation models.

    Definition Classes
  • package tableau

    The tableau package contains example applications for tableau oriented simulation models.

    The tableau package contains example applications for tableau oriented simulation models.

    Definition Classes



package analytics

The analytics package contains example applications for analytics: prediction, classification or clustering.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. analytics
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. object AutoMPG_Mat

    The AutoMPG_Mat object stored the UCI AutoMPG dataset in a matrix.

    The AutoMPG_Mat object stored the UCI AutoMPG dataset in a matrix.

    See also

  2. object AutoMPG_NullModel extends App

    The AutoMPG_NullModel object performs NullModel on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    The AutoMPG_NullModel object performs NullModel on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    See also > runMain

  3. object AutoMPG_Regression extends App

    The AutoMPG_Regression object performs Regression on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    The AutoMPG_Regression object performs Regression on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    See also > runMain

  4. object AutoMPG_SimpleRegression extends App

    The AutoMPG_SimpleRegression object performs SimpleRegression on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    The AutoMPG_SimpleRegression object performs SimpleRegression on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    See also > runMain

  5. object AutoMPG_SimplerRegression extends App

    The AutoMPG_SimplerRegression object performs SimplerRegression on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    The AutoMPG_SimplerRegression object performs SimplerRegression on the UCI AutoMPG dataset.

    See also > runMain

  6. object Census extends App

    The Census object is a sample application that performs basic analytics on census data.

    The Census object is a sample application that performs basic analytics on census data. FIX: must download the following file.

    See also > runMain

  7. object Pendulum extends App

    The Pendulum object is a simple application that fits data governed by a differential equation (pendulum equations) using Principal Differential Analysis.

    The Pendulum object is a simple application that fits data governed by a differential equation (pendulum equations) using Principal Differential Analysis. FIX - make a Scala DSL for readble system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) FIX - extend to Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs)

    See also > runMain

  8. object PokerBayes extends App

    The PokerBayes object is a sample application that uses the NaiveBayes and AugNaiveBayes classes.

    The PokerBayes object is a sample application that uses the NaiveBayes and AugNaiveBayes classes. Classify a poker hand consisting of 5 cards. The hand is to be classified as one of the following types of hands:

    0: Nothing in hand; not a recognized poker hand 1: One pair; one pair of equal ranks within five cards 2: Two pairs; two pairs of equal ranks within five cards 3: Three of a kind; three equal ranks within five cards 4: Straight; five cards, sequentially ranked with no gaps 5: Flush; five cards with the same suit 6: Full house; pair + different rank three of a kind 7: Four of a kind; four equal ranks within five cards 8: Straight flush; straight + flush 9: Royal flush; {Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten} + flush

    See also > runMain

  9. object RegressionEx extends App

    The RegressionEx object provides simple test cases for SimpleRegression and Regression.

    The RegressionEx object provides simple test cases for SimpleRegression and Regression. > runMain

  10. object SolarRadiation extends App

    The SolarRadiation object is a sample application that performs basic analytics on solar radiation and meteorological data.

    The SolarRadiation object is a sample application that performs basic analytics on solar radiation and meteorological data. The data is provided by NSRDB. Hourly Global Horizontal Radiation data of 40 sites from the years 1961 to 1990 is considered. Operations are performed directly on compressed (RLE) vector and matrix. FIX: must download the following file.

    See also > runMain

  11. object TempPerceptron extends App

    The TempPerceptron object trains a perceptron on a small dataset of temperatures from counties in Texas where the variables/factors to consider are Latitude (x1), Elevation (x2) and Longitude (x3).

    The TempPerceptron object trains a perceptron on a small dataset of temperatures from counties in Texas where the variables/factors to consider are Latitude (x1), Elevation (x2) and Longitude (x3). The regression equation is the following:

    y = sigmoid (w dot x) = sigmoid (w0 + w1*x1 + w2*x2 + w3*x3)

    > runMain

  12. object TempRegression extends App

    The TempRegression object performs regression on a small dataset of temperatures from counties in Texas where the variables/factors to consider are Latitude (x1), Elevation (x2) and Longitude (x3).

    The TempRegression object performs regression on a small dataset of temperatures from counties in Texas where the variables/factors to consider are Latitude (x1), Elevation (x2) and Longitude (x3). The regression equation is the following:

    y = b dot x = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x3

    A fit is created for both the full model and a reduce model created using backward elimination.

    See also > runMain

  13. object TennisBayes extends App

    The TennisBayes object is a sample application that uses the NaiveBayes class.

    The TennisBayes object is a sample application that uses the NaiveBayes class. Classify (No/Yes) whether a person will play tennis based on the measured integer-valued features.

    See also > runMain