
class DualSim extends GraphMatcher

The DualSim class provides an implementation for Dual Graph Simulation.

Linear Supertypes
GraphMatcher, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. DualSim
  2. GraphMatcher
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new DualSim(g: Graph, q: Graph)


    the data graph G(V, E, l)


    the query graph Q(U, D, k)

Value Members

  1. def bijections(): Set[Array[Int]]

    Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find subgraphs of data graph 'g' that isomorphically match query graph 'q'.

    Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find subgraphs of data graph 'g' that isomorphically match query graph 'q'. These are represented by a set of single-valued bijections {'psi'} where each 'psi' function maps each query graph vertex 'u' to a data graph vertices 'v'.

    Definition Classes
  2. def feasibleMates(): Array[Set[Int]]

    Create an initial array of feasible mappings 'phi' from each query vertex 'u' to the corresponding set of data graph vertices '{v}' whose label matches 'u's.

    Create an initial array of feasible mappings 'phi' from each query vertex 'u' to the corresponding set of data graph vertices '{v}' whose label matches 'u's.

    Definition Classes
  3. def mappings(): Array[Set[Int]]

    Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find the mappings from the query graph 'q' to the data graph 'g'.

    Apply a graph pattern matching algorithm to find the mappings from the query graph 'q' to the data graph 'g'. These are represented by a multi-valued function 'phi' that maps each query graph vertex 'u' to a set of data graph vertices '{v}'.

    Definition Classes
  4. def overlaps(set1: Set[Int], set2: Set[Int]): Boolean

    Determine whether two sets overlap, i.e., have a non-empty intersection.

    Determine whether two sets overlap, i.e., have a non-empty intersection.


    the first set


    the second set

    Definition Classes
  5. def prune(phi: Array[Set[Int]]): Array[Set[Int]]

    Given the mappings 'phi' produced by the 'feasibleMates' method, prune mappings 'u -> v' where (1) v's children fail to match u's or (2) v's parents fail to match u's.

    Given the mappings 'phi' produced by the 'feasibleMates' method, prune mappings 'u -> v' where (1) v's children fail to match u's or (2) v's parents fail to match u's.


    array of mappings from a query vertex u to { graph vertices v }

    Definition Classes
  6. def showMappings(phi: Array[Set[Int]]): Unit

    Show the mappings between a query graph vertex u and a set of data graph vertices {v}.

    Show the mappings between a query graph vertex u and a set of data graph vertices {v}.


    the set-valued mapping function

    Definition Classes
  7. def test(name: String, ans: Array[Set[Int]] = null): Unit

    Test the graph pattern matcher.

    Test the graph pattern matcher.


    the name of graph pattern matcher


    the correct answer

    Definition Classes