
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package scalation

    The scalation package specifies system-wide constants for directory paths.

    The scalation package specifies system-wide constants for directory paths. Sub-packages may wish to define 'BASE-DIR = DATA_DIR + ⁄ + <package>' in their own 'package.scala' files. For maintainability, directory paths should only be specified in 'package.scala' files.

    Definition Classes
  • package linalgebra

    The linalgebra package contains classes, traits and objects for linear algebra, including vectors and matrices for real and complex numbers.

    The linalgebra package contains classes, traits and objects for linear algebra, including vectors and matrices for real and complex numbers.

    Definition Classes
  • package math

    The math package contains classes, traits and objects for common mathematical operations.

    The math package contains classes, traits and objects for common mathematical operations. Its package object defines exponentiation, logarithmic, trigonometric, etc. operators and functions.

    Definition Classes
  • package par

    The par package contains classes, traits and objects for parallel processing techniques such as Map-Reduce.

    The par package contains classes, traits and objects for parallel processing techniques such as Map-Reduce.

    Definition Classes
  • package plot

    The plot package contains classes, traits and objects for simple plotting of x-y data.

    The plot package contains classes, traits and objects for simple plotting of x-y data.

    Definition Classes
  • Canvas
  • Contour
  • ContourTest
  • FCanvas
  • FPlot
  • FPlotTest
  • FramelessPlot
  • Plot
  • PlotM
  • PlotMTest
  • PlotMTest2
  • PlotTest
  • package random

    The random package contains classes, traits and objects for the generation of random numbers.

    The random package contains classes, traits and objects for the generation of random numbers.

    Definition Classes
  • package scala2d

    The scala2d package contains classes, traits and objects for for simple 2D graphics in scala, based upon java.swing, java.awt and java_awt_geom.

    The scala2d package contains classes, traits and objects for for simple 2D graphics in scala, based upon java.swing, java.awt and java_awt_geom.

    Definition Classes
  • package stat

    The stat package contains classes, traits and objects for basic statistical functions and analyses.

    The stat package contains classes, traits and objects for basic statistical functions and analyses. The package object itself defines an implicit conversion from scalation.linalgebra.VectorD to StatVector.

    Definition Classes
  • package tenalgebra
    Definition Classes
  • package util

    The util package contains classes, traits and objects for basic utility functions.

    The util package contains classes, traits and objects for basic utility functions.

    Definition Classes

package plot

The plot package contains classes, traits and objects for simple plotting of x-y data.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. plot
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Canvas extends Panel

    The Canvas class provides a canvas on which to draw the plot.

  2. class Contour extends VizFrame

    The Contour class takes a function 'f' and displays color-coded values for 'f(x, y)' over a two dimensional grid defined the lower 'lb' and upper 'ub' bounds.

    The Contour class takes a function 'f' and displays color-coded values for 'f(x, y)' over a two dimensional grid defined the lower 'lb' and upper 'ub' bounds. An optional path is included that can be used to show, for example, the search path taken by an optimizer (e.g., a Conjugate Gradient NLP solver).

  3. class FCanvas extends Panel

    The FCanvas class provides a canvas on which to draw the plot.

  4. class FPlot extends VizFrame

    The FPlot class takes 'x' and 'y' vectors of data values and plots the '(x, y)' data points.

    The FPlot class takes 'x' and 'y' vectors of data values and plots the '(x, y)' data points. Optionally, a 'z' vector may be plotted with 'y'. Note, axes are determined by the 'x' and 'y' vectors only. For more vertical vectors use PlotM.

  5. class FramelessPlot extends AnyRef

    The FramelessPlot class is used for embedded applications.

  6. class Plot extends VizFrame

    The Plot class takes 'x' and 'y' vectors of data values and plots the '(x, y)' data points.

    The Plot class takes 'x' and 'y' vectors of data values and plots the '(x, y)' data points. Optionally, a 'z' vector may be plotted with 'y'. Note, axes are determined by the 'x' and 'y' vectors only. For more vertical vectors use PlotM.

  7. class PlotM extends VizFrame

    The PlotM class takes an 'x' vector and a 'y' matrix of data values and plots the '(x, y_i)' data points for each row 'y_i' of the matrix.

Value Members

  1. object ContourTest extends App

    The ContourTest object is used to test the Contour class.

  2. object FPlotTest extends App

    The FPlotTest object is used to test the FPlot class.

    The FPlotTest object is used to test the FPlot class. > runMain scalation.plot.FPlotTest

  3. object Plot extends Serializable

    The Plot companion object provides factory methods for creating plots.

  4. object PlotM extends Serializable

    The PlotM companion object provides a builder method for plotting several 'y' vectors versus an 'x' vector.

  5. object PlotMTest extends App

    The PlotMTest object is used to test the PlotM class.

    The PlotMTest object is used to test the PlotM class. > runMain sclation.plot.PlotMTest

  6. object PlotMTest2 extends App

    The PlotMTest2 object is used to test the PlotM class.

    The PlotMTest2 object is used to test the PlotM class. This version also plots lines connecting the points. > runMain sclation.plot.PlotMTest2

  7. object PlotTest extends App

    The PlotTest object is used to test the Plot class.

    The PlotTest object is used to test the Plot class. > runMain scalation.plot.PlotTest

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
