
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package scalation

    The scalation package specifies system-wide constants for directory paths.

    The scalation package specifies system-wide constants for directory paths. Sub-packages may wish to define 'BASE-DIR = DATA_DIR + ⁄ + <package>' in their own 'package.scala' files. For maintainability, directory paths should only be specified in 'package.scala' files.

    Definition Classes
  • package linalgebra

    The linalgebra package contains classes, traits and objects for linear algebra, including vectors and matrices for real and complex numbers.

    The linalgebra package contains classes, traits and objects for linear algebra, including vectors and matrices for real and complex numbers.

    Definition Classes
  • package math

    The math package contains classes, traits and objects for common mathematical operations.

    The math package contains classes, traits and objects for common mathematical operations. Its package object defines exponentiation, logarithmic, trigonometric, etc. operators and functions.

    Definition Classes
  • package par

    The par package contains classes, traits and objects for parallel processing techniques such as Map-Reduce.

    The par package contains classes, traits and objects for parallel processing techniques such as Map-Reduce.

    Definition Classes
  • package plot

    The plot package contains classes, traits and objects for simple plotting of x-y data.

    The plot package contains classes, traits and objects for simple plotting of x-y data.

    Definition Classes
  • package random

    The random package contains classes, traits and objects for the generation of random numbers.

    The random package contains classes, traits and objects for the generation of random numbers.

    Definition Classes
  • package scala2d

    The scala2d package contains classes, traits and objects for for simple 2D graphics in scala, based upon java.swing, java.awt and java_awt_geom.

    The scala2d package contains classes, traits and objects for for simple 2D graphics in scala, based upon java.swing, java.awt and java_awt_geom.

    Definition Classes
  • Arc
  • Arrow
  • ArrowTest
  • Colors
  • ColorsTest
  • Constants
  • CurvilinearShape
  • Ellipse
  • Frame
  • Hexagon
  • Line
  • Octagon
  • Panel
  • Path
  • Pentagon
  • Polygon
  • PolygonTest
  • QArrow
  • QArrowTest
  • QCurve
  • QCurveTest
  • QCurveTest2
  • Quad
  • R2
  • Rectangle
  • RoundRectangle
  • ScrollPane
  • Shapes
  • Table
  • Transform
  • Triangle
  • VizFrame
  • package stat

    The stat package contains classes, traits and objects for basic statistical functions and analyses.

    The stat package contains classes, traits and objects for basic statistical functions and analyses. The package object itself defines an implicit conversion from scalation.linalgebra.VectorD to StatVector.

    Definition Classes
  • package tenalgebra
    Definition Classes
  • package util

    The util package contains classes, traits and objects for basic utility functions.

    The util package contains classes, traits and objects for basic utility functions.

    Definition Classes



package scala2d

The scala2d package contains classes, traits and objects for for simple 2D graphics in scala, based upon java.swing, java.awt and java_awt_geom.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scala2d
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Arc() extends Double with Product with Serializable

    Arc is a convenience case class for Arc2D (a subclass of RectangularShape).

  2. case class Arrow(p1: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), p2: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), len: Int = 10) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Arrow class uses Java's Path2D class to create a line with an arrowhead on the far end.

    The Arrow class uses Java's Path2D class to create a line with an arrowhead on the far end. The main line is defined by points 'p1' and 'p2'. Points 'p3' and 'p4' are the corners of the triangular arrowhead.


    the starting point for the line/arrow


    the ending point for the line/arrow


    the length of the arrowhead on the line/arrow

  3. trait CurvilinearShape extends Shape with Error

    The CurvilinearShape trait provides a general type for line and curves.

    The CurvilinearShape trait provides a general type for line and curves. It is analogous to RectangularShape.

  4. case class Ellipse() extends Double with Product with Serializable

    Ellipse is a convenience case class for Ellipse2D (a subclass of RectangularShape).

  5. class Frame extends JFrame

    Frame is a convenience class for JFrame.

  6. case class Hexagon(vertex: Array[R2]) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Hexagon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a hexagon given its vertices.

    The Hexagon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a hexagon given its vertices.


    the six corner points of the hexagon

  7. case class Line(p1: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), p2: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0)) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    Line is a convenience case class for Line2D (a subclass of RectangularShape).

  8. case class Octagon(vertex: Array[R2]) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Octagon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building an octagon given its vertices.

    The Octagon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building an octagon given its vertices.


    the eight corner points of the octagon

  9. class Panel extends JPanel

    Panel is a convenience class for JPanel.

  10. case class Path() extends Double with Product with Serializable

    Path is a convenience case class for Path2D. Its subtypes (case class Polygon, etc.) are defined in other files in the scala2d package.

  11. case class Pentagon(vertex: Array[R2]) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Pentagon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a pentagon given its vertices.

    The Pentagon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a pentagon given its vertices.


    the five corner points of the pentagon

  12. case class Polygon(vertex: Array[R2]) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Polygon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a polygon given its vertices.

    The Polygon class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a polygon given its vertices.


    the n >= 3 corner points of the polygon

  13. case class QArrow(p1: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), pc: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), p2: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), len: Int = 10) extends Double with CurvilinearShape with Product with Serializable

    The QArrow class uses Java's Path2D class to create a quad curve with an arrowhead on the far end.

    The QArrow class uses Java's Path2D class to create a quad curve with an arrowhead on the far end. The main curve is defined by points 'p1' and 'p2' along with a control point 'pc'. Points 'p3' and 'p4' are the corners of the triangular arrowhead.


    the starting point for the curve/arc


    the control point for the curve/arc


    the ending point for the curve/arc


    the length of the arrowhead on the curve/arc

  14. case class QCurve(p1: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), pc: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), p2: R2 = R2 (0.0, 0.0), straight: Boolean = true) extends Double with CurvilinearShape with Product with Serializable

    The QCurve class enhances the QuadCurve.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by allowing entities to move along such quadratic curves as well as lines.

    The QCurve class enhances the QuadCurve.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by allowing entities to move along such quadratic curves as well as lines. Although the curve could be developed as a quadratic function where 'y = ax2 + bx + c'. The following quadratic bezier formulation is used:
    p(t) = (x(t), y(t)) = [(1-t)
    2 * p1] + [2 * (1-t) * t * pc] + [t^2 * p2].


    the starting point for the quad curve


    the control point for the quad curve


    the ending point for the quad curve


    whether the quad curve is straight (i.e., a line)

  15. case class Quad(vertex: Array[R2]) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Quad class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a quadrilateral given its vertices.

    The Quad class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a quadrilateral given its vertices.


    the four corner points of the quadrilateral

  16. case class R2(xx: Double, yy: Double) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    R2 is a convenience case class for Point2D.

  17. case class Rectangle() extends Double with Product with Serializable

    Rectangle is a convenience case class for Rectangle2D (a subclass of RectangularShape).

  18. case class RoundRectangle() extends Double with Product with Serializable

    RoundRectangle is a convenience case class for RoundRectangle2D (a subclass of RectangularShape).

  19. class ScrollPane extends JScrollPane

    ScrollPane is a convenience class for JScrollPane.

  20. class Table extends JTable

    Table is a convenience class for JTable.

  21. trait Transform extends AnyRef

    The Transform trait provides a simple technique for transforming (translation, scaling and rotation) rectangular shapes.

  22. case class Triangle(vertex: Array[R2]) extends Double with Product with Serializable

    The Triangle class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a triangle given its vertices.

    The Triangle class enhances the Path2D.Double class (from the java.awt.geom package) by adding a constructor for building a triangle given its vertices.


    the three corner points of the triangle

  23. class VizFrame extends Frame

    The VizFrame class puts the canvas in the visualization/drawing frame.

Value Members

  1. object ArrowTest extends App

    The ArrowTest object is used to test the Arrow class.

  2. object Colors

    The Colors convenience object defines numerous common colors.

    The Colors convenience object defines numerous common colors. Source of colors:

    See also

  3. object ColorsTest extends App

    The ColorsTest object is used to test the Colors object.

  4. object Constants

    Useful constants.

  5. object PolygonTest extends App

    The PolygonTest object tests the Polygon, Triangle, Quad, Hexagon and Octagon classes.

  6. object QArrowTest extends App

    The QArrowTest object is used to test the QArrow class.

  7. object QCurve extends Serializable

    The QCurve companion object provides formulas used by the QCurve class.

  8. object QCurveTest extends App

    The QCurveTest object tests the QCurve classes' quad curves.

  9. object QCurveTest2 extends App

    The QCurveTest2 object tests traversal of QCurve's (quad curves).

  10. object Shapes

    The Shapes object Scala provides type aliases for basic Java2D types.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
