
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package scalation
    Definition Classes
  • package activity

    The activity package contains classes, traits and objects for activity-oriented simulation models (for example, Petri Nets).

    The activity package contains classes, traits and objects for activity-oriented simulation models (for example, Petri Nets).

    Definition Classes
  • package analytics

    The analytics package contains classes, traits and objects for analytics.

    The analytics package contains classes, traits and objects for analytics.

    Definition Classes
  • package animation

    The animation package contains classes, traits and objects for 2D animation of simulation objects.

    The animation package contains classes, traits and objects for 2D animation of simulation objects.

    Definition Classes
  • package calculus

    The calculus package contains classes with methods for computing derivatives, gradient vectors, Jacobian matrices, integrals and basic operators in Functional Analysis.

    The calculus package contains classes with methods for computing derivatives, gradient vectors, Jacobian matrices, integrals and basic operators in Functional Analysis.

    Definition Classes
  • package dynamics

    The dynamics package contains classes, traits and objects for system dynamics simulations using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).

    The dynamics package contains classes, traits and objects for system dynamics simulations using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).

    Definition Classes
  • Derivatives
  • DormandPrince
  • DormandPrinceTest
  • DynamicEq
  • DynamicEqTest
  • Integrator
  • LinearDiffEq
  • LinearDiffEqTest
  • NLS_ODETest
  • Radau
  • RadauTest
  • RungeKutta
  • RungeKuttaTest
  • SSA
  • SSATest
  • package dynamics_pde

    The dynamics_pde package contains classes, traits and objects for system dynamics simulations using Partial Differential Equations 'PDE's.

    The dynamics_pde package contains classes, traits and objects for system dynamics simulations using Partial Differential Equations 'PDE's.

    Definition Classes
  • package event

    The event package contains classes, traits and objects for event oriented simulation models (for example, event scheduling or event graphs).

    The event package contains classes, traits and objects for event oriented simulation models (for example, event scheduling or event graphs).

    Definition Classes
  • package maxima

    The maxima package contains classes, traits and objects for optimization to find maxima.

    The maxima package contains classes, traits and objects for optimization to find maxima.

    Definition Classes
  • package minima

    The minima package contains classes, traits and objects for optimization to find minima.

    The minima package contains classes, traits and objects for optimization to find minima.

    Definition Classes
  • package model

    The model package contains a trait giving a template for models to follow.

    The model package contains a trait giving a template for models to follow.

    Definition Classes
  • package process

    The process package contains classes, traits and objects for process-oriented simulation models (for example, process-interaction).

    The process package contains classes, traits and objects for process-oriented simulation models (for example, process-interaction).

    Definition Classes
  • package queueingnet

    The queueingnet package contains classes, traits and objects for solving simple queueing network problems.

    The queueingnet package contains classes, traits and objects for solving simple queueing network problems.

    Definition Classes
  • package state

    The state package contains classes, traits and objects for state-oriented simulation models (for example, Markov Chains).

    The state package contains classes, traits and objects for state-oriented simulation models (for example, Markov Chains).

    Definition Classes
  • package tableau

    The tableau package contains classes for tableau oriented simulation models (similar to spreadsheet simulations).

    The tableau package contains classes for tableau oriented simulation models (similar to spreadsheet simulations).

    Definition Classes



package dynamics

The dynamics package contains classes, traits and objects for system dynamics simulations using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dynamics
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DynamicEq extends Error

    The DynamicEq class may be used for determining trajectories 'x_t' from a system of dynamic equations.

    The DynamicEq class may be used for determining trajectories 'x_t' from a system of dynamic equations.

    x_t = f(t)

    'f(t)' is the vector function of time.

  2. trait Integrator extends Error

    The Integrator trait provides a template for writing numerical integrators (e.g., Runge-Kutta 'RK4' or Dormand-Prince 'DOPRI') to produce trajectories for first-order Ordinary Differential Equations 'ODE's.

    The Integrator trait provides a template for writing numerical integrators (e.g., Runge-Kutta 'RK4' or Dormand-Prince 'DOPRI') to produce trajectories for first-order Ordinary Differential Equations 'ODE's. The ODE is of the form:

    d/dt y(t) = f(t, y) with initial condition y0 = y(t0)

    If 'f' is a linear function of the form 'a(t) * y(t) + b(t)', then the ODE is linear, if 'a(t) = a' (i.e., a constant) the ODE has constant coefficients and if 'b(t) = 0' the ODE is homogeneous. Note this package provides a solver (not an integrator) as an option for linear, constant coefficient, homogeneous, first-order ODE.

    See also


  3. class LinearDiffEq extends Error

    The LinearDiffEq class may be used for solving a system of linear differential equations that are ordinary and first-order with constant coefficients of the form

    The LinearDiffEq class may be used for solving a system of linear differential equations that are ordinary and first-order with constant coefficients of the form

    d/dt y(t) = a * y(t)

    'y(t)' is the vector function of time and 'a' is the coefficient matrix. The initial value vector 'y0 = y(0)' must also be given. Note, higher-order differential equations may be converted to first-order by introducing additional variables. The above equation is the homogeneous case. Caveats: the following cases are not currently handled: (1) The non-homogeneous equation: 'd/dt y(t) = a * y(t) + f(t)'. (2) Complex or repeated eigenvalues.

  4. class NLS_ODE extends Predictor with Error

    Given an Ordinary Differential Equation 'ODE' parameterized using the vector 'b' with Initial Value 'IV' 'y0', estimate the parameter values 'b' for the ODE using weighted Non-linear Least Squares 'NLS'.

    Given an Ordinary Differential Equation 'ODE' parameterized using the vector 'b' with Initial Value 'IV' 'y0', estimate the parameter values 'b' for the ODE using weighted Non-linear Least Squares 'NLS'.

    ODE: dy/dt = f(t, y) IV: y(t0) = y0

    Times series data: z(t0), z(t1), ... z(tn)

  5. class SSA extends Error

    The SSA class implements the Gillespie Stochastic Simulation Algorithm 'SSA'.

Value Members

  1. object Derivatives

    The Derivatives object is used to define types of time derivative functions.

  2. object DormandPrince extends Integrator

    The DormandPrince object provides a state-of-the-art numerical ODE solver.

    The DormandPrince object provides a state-of-the-art numerical ODE solver. Given an unknown, time-dependent function 'y(t)' governed by an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) of the form

    d/dt y(t) = f(t, y)

    compute 'y(t)' using a (4,5)-order Dormand-Prince Integrator 'DOPRI'. Note: the 'integrateV' method for a system of separable ODEs is mixed in from the Integrator trait.

    See also

  3. object DormandPrinceTest extends App

    The DormandPrinceTest object is used to test the DormandPrince object.

  4. object DynamicEqTest extends App

    The DynamicEqTest object to test the DynamicEq class using example at in Introduction to Computational Data Science using ScalaTion, section 13.1.

    The DynamicEqTest object to test the DynamicEq class using example at in Introduction to Computational Data Science using ScalaTion, section 13.1. > runMain scalation.dynamics.DynamicEqTest

  5. object LinearDiffEqTest extends App

    The LinearDiffEqTest object to test the LinearDiffEq class using example at

    The LinearDiffEqTest object to test the LinearDiffEq class using example at

    See also The eigenvalues should be (-3, -1) The constant matrix should be [ (.375, .625), (-.75, 1.25) ]

  6. object NLS_ODETest extends App

    The VectorDTest object tests the operations provided by VectorD.

    The VectorDTest object tests the operations provided by VectorD. > runMain scalation.dynamics.NLS_ODETest

  7. object Radau extends Integrator

    The Radau object implements Radau IIA, which is a simple Ordinary Differential Equation 'ODE' solver for moderately stiff systems.

    The Radau object implements Radau IIA, which is a simple Ordinary Differential Equation 'ODE' solver for moderately stiff systems. Solve for 'y' given

    d/dt y = f(t, y).

  8. object RadauTest extends App

    This object is used to test the Radau5 object.

  9. object RungeKutta extends Integrator

    The RungeKutta object provides an implementation of a classical numerical ODE solver.

    The RungeKutta object provides an implementation of a classical numerical ODE solver. Given an unknown, time-dependent function 'y(t)' governed by an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) of the form:

    d/dt y(t) = f(t, y)

    Compute 'y(t)' using a 4th-order Runge-Kutta Integrator 'RK4'. Note: the 'integrateV' method for a system of separable ODEs is mixed in from the Integrator trait.

  10. object RungeKuttaTest extends App

    The RungeKuttaTest object is used to test the RungeKutta object.

  11. object SSATest extends App

    The SSATest object tests the SSA class.